Nintendo to ROM sites: Forget the cease-and-desist, now we're suing


larger / Although LoveROMs acted quickly to remove all traces of content related to Nintendo on its website, its page 404 always redirects to this tribute to Chrono Trigger (SNES)

LoveROMs [19659003] Nintendo's attitude towards ROM versions – either original game files or changes made by fans – has often been wrong on the litigation side. But in most cases, the game producer has settled orders to stop and abstain or DMCA claims to protect his IP.

This week saw the company become more aggressive in terms of legal action, as Nintendo of America sued on Thursday. The Arizona lawsuit, reported by TorrentFreak, alleges "flagrant and large-scale infringement of Nintendo's intellectual property rights" by the LoveROMs and LoveRetro sites. These sites combine ROM downloads and built-in emulators to provide unique access to games. The trial includes screenshots and interface explanations to demonstrate how site users can access the "thousands of [Nintendo] video games, protected works." "

  Continued Nintendo has this image of LoveROMs
larger / Continued Nintendo includes the image of" the most popular games "LoveROMs, all produced by Nintendo. (The trial also mentions & # 39;. Constant use by the sites of the official box as infringing basic)

Nintendo seeks the & # 39; money to relieve the alleged damage, the largest number from " $ 150,000 for violation of Nintendo, up to $ 2,000,000 for counterfeiting each Nintendo trademark. (Multiply this first digit by "thousands" of copyrighted works, and, well, # 39; many zeros) in addition, Nintendo has requested full disclosure of receipts and disbursements of the operators, statements of profit and loss of advertising revenue, donations and revenue cryptocurrency, and & # 39. "other financial documents," which relates to the pursuit's claim for a "reward" to Nintendo for any benefit that the sites have made.

The trial held to describe the named defendants as "not casual gamers" but "Sophisticated parties with a thorough knowledge of the intellectual property of Nintendo and the & # 39;. The video game industry in general" It is possible that the combination uses this language to explain why the operators of some ROM sites can not fire the same legal fire. (D & # 39; other alleged ways to income might not help defendants named because Nintendo alleges that the operators' s & # 39; richer, among other things, requests for donations and selling & # 39; s advertising space. " )

After filing the complaint, LoveROMs was updated to remove all Nintendo affiliate links, including ROMs and emulators, and the site announced on its social media channels that "all titles Nintendo have been removed from our site. " now redirects to one page, text only, which reads, "Loveretro has actually been closed until further notice."

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