The HPV vaccine will be offered to all children in England, not just girls


  The vaccine helps prevent several types of cancer

The vaccine helps prevent several types of cancer

Description: The Washington Post / Getty

The decision follows a recommendation of the Joint Committee on Immunization and Immunization (JCVI) last week. A neutral program of protection against the sexually transmitted virus would be profitable. The recommendation has already prompted the Scottish and Welsh governments to decide to extend vaccination to boys.

"Every immunization program must be firmly rooted in evidence so that we can get the best results for patients, but as a father I understand the relief this will bring to parents," says Minister of Public Health , Steve Brine.


HPV vaccination is currently offered to girls aged 12 to 13 in secondary schools. NHS until their 18th birthday. But the virus does not only cause cervical and vaginal tumors – it can also cause cancer of the penis, anus, mouth and throat, as well as genital warts.

The extension of vaccination to boys will help prevent these diseases. More gay men are protected from the virus at a younger age. The wider use of the vaccine should also further reduce cases of cervical cancer in women, thanks to collective immunity.

The girls' program has already reduced the prevalence of the two main types of HPV cancer virus by 80%. of public health in England. "Almost all women under the age of 25 have received the HPV vaccine and we are confident that we will see such a high rate of adoption among boys," says Mary Ramsay, Vaccinations Officer at Public Health England.

Read More The cervical cancer vaccine could eradicate the disease

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