Lunar Eclipse 2018 – when and where to see it in the UK


This week, astronomers will be treated to a breathtaking astronomical spectacle – a rare lunar eclipse of "blood moon".

The incredible phenomenon will take place on July 27 in the evening and last about an hour and 43 minutes

It is longer than any other lunar eclipse of the blood moon of this century.

Skywatchers will also see one of the best views of Mars for more than a decade.

The red planet will appear brighter than it has been in 15 years while it passes near the Earth the same evening.

Fortunately, the display will be visible with the naked eye, which means you do not need to splash expensive telescopes to get involved.

Here's all you need to know about the 2018 lunar eclipse.

When is the lunar eclipse in the UK?

The lunar eclipse will take place on the night of July 27th.

It will begin at 20:49 and will last until 22:13

. the best time to go out and witness the blood moon is at 21:21

This is what is called a moon blood

How to see the lunar eclipse at United Kingdom

People in the UK will not see the beginning of the lunar eclipse because the moon will always be below the horizon at this time.

the moon will already be in the shadow of the Earth (the darkest part of the Earth 's shadow) and so will begin to look red – from where comes the name of "blood moon".

For your best chance of seeing an area with little light pollution, like in the countryside.

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Where can I see the lunar eclipse?

The moon rises at slightly different times across the UK, so your chance to see it depends on your location.

For example, the moon will rise at 21:02 in Cardiff, 21:22 in Edinburgh, and 21:27 in Belfast

It will also appear to be lower in the sky further north you are

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