Tanzania: Korean Prime Minister congratulates Tanzania for its strong growth


The rapid growth of the Tanzanian economy will open more opportunities between business communities in South Korea and Tanzania.

Korean Prime Minister Lee Nak-yon made the remarks on Monday in Dar es Salaam. The event was part of the activities of his three-day visit to the country since last Saturday. He congratulated the government for allowing remarkable economic growth, making the country one of the 10 countries. Allow me to congratulate the leaders of this country as well as the businessmen and entrepreneurs for this success.

He used the platform to call Korean companies to participate in major projects. investment projects implemented in the country.

"We will continue to work on the expansion of cooperation with Tanzania in the areas of infrastructure, chemistry, medicine, construction and industry." Prime Minister Kassim Majaliwa encouraged Korean investors to invest in Tanzania, providing them with a better investment environment.

He told participants that the government has focused on creating industries that would use local materials to add value to agricultural, forestry and mining products.

He also welcomed South Korean investors in the tourism sector, arguing that the country has many tourist attractions, including Serengeti, Kilimanjaro and others

Tanzania has a total of 1,300 kilometers of Tanga coastal land in the Mtwara region. is finalizing the process to form an authority to manage the coastline.

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