University sues an income agency in a row of tax arrears


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The University of the Great Lakes of Kisumu has sued the Kenya Revenue Authority for freezing its bank accounts for 95 million shillings.

in limbo after various activities were affected by the accumulated debts owed to various service providers, including more than Sh200 million due to Chase Bank.

Lack of finances led to the postponement of the graduation from the university more than twice.

According to Vice Chancellor Atieno Amadi, bank accounts were frozen on November 20 due to non-payment of tax arrears.

The accounts were opened for a while. , but on June 25 this year, the university received copies of letters asking its banks to credit the accounts of the institution with arrears of taxes.

"Employees have left without a full salary since January, and during all these months, employees, including myself, had to go home with half of their wages because we can not access our accounts. and we have huge debts, "said Professor Amadi, the accounts were closed, the university asked KRA to accept a payment plan of Sh1 million per month. give a death sentence. As much as we have gone to court, we are still trying to talk to them to find ways to settle the matter, "said Professor Amadi.

The case should be mentioned on July 30.

VC is absolved of all blame by saying that when she joined the university on March 1, 2016, she found an institution in financial difficulty.

She said that within three months , she contacted KRA Kisumu The arrears had increased from 35 million shillings in 2014 to 75 million shillings in June 2016. After an audit, the tax man revealed that the university was owed them Sh117, 727, 990

The amount included respectively, 116 million shillings and 9266 shillings, 906 dollars pay as you earn (PAYE) and withholding tax.

The University Management and the Senate led by the VC revealed the problems they faced On Wednesday, when they reacted on many other allegations, the applications, according to the Assistant Registrar for Academic Affairs, Mr. John Kokwaro, forced them to meet as a college director and formed a technical team to settle the dispute.

The VC She had been accused of abuse of power after the appearance of her car at Sh3,000 a day. She also traveled with the same vehicle for a trip to Tanzania for 10 days at a cost of 14,000 shillings a day.

"The choice of a vehicle in Tanzania was cheaper than Sh 135, 000 if the VC" Mr. Kokwaro

Professor Amadi also denied the arbitrary dismissal of staff and indicated that she provided articles to the college cafeteria and denied that the students on the attachment were not supervised.

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