journalists were tasked to create more awareness by breaking stigma
associated with infertility, especially women who are often only blamed for
these societal problems lead in some cases to ruptures in marriages.
Appeal was made during a recent training held in Nairobi, Kenya, on infertility
organized the Merck Foundation. Be the first time of its kind to be staged by
this foundation, the training has attracted more than 300 journalists from 17
African countries.
training, deliberation focused on infertility in a broader perspective and
that, since it affects both sexes; so it's relevant as journalists from
provide specific facts about the condition to break the stigma attached to the
Besides the personal grief and suffering that it causes, infertility can create
broader problems, especially for women, in terms of stigmatization,
difficulties and social isolation. It is often considered a personal tragedy
as well as a curse for the couple, impacting the whole family and even the
local community, "say the officials.
who remain childless can be seen as a burden for socio-economic well-being
communities, because childless women are often blamed and stigmatized,
discrimination and even violence, officials observed further.
the man can divorce her or, if their culture allows polygamy,
Women & # 39 ;. It can be considered an evil eye, a shameful subject, and banned from everything
family and community activities. Faced with social isolation and ostracism,
women without children often consider that without children, their lives are without
goal and without hope. Unlike the western world, where infertility is openly
discussed and help and information is widely available, in most African societies
the subject is taboo, and help is scarce, contributing even more to the agony and
the isolation of these women suffer. "
" This
The situation is further saddened by the lack of support women face
and financial. Women are not encouraged to seek modern medical treatment
fertility care, if at all available is very basic. Reproductive aid
techniques such as IUI and IVF are very expensive or unavailable. Combined
with the widespread lack of insurance coverage, the search for fertility care often
means a lonely way for women who wish to conceive. "
Infertility, according to officials, may be
caused by various factors, male, female or a combination of both.
about 30% of cases, no reason will be found. The main cause of
Infertility in Africa is a genital infection. It could be sexually
transmitted or caused by traditional practices such as the GMF, illegal abortions
and home deliveries in unhygienic circumstances. If not treated these
infections often result in scar tissue and blockage or dysfunction of the
Fallopian tubes causing infertility. Teach young people how to avoid
contract STDs and encourage them to seek appropriate diagnosis and treatment
they suspect everything (risk of) an STD is so crucial to avoid infertility
later in life. "
In most countries, reproductive health issues are not discussed.
with teens and many misconceptions about the subject of infertility remain
alive today.
girls and young women should be educated about this because they are the most
at risk for leading causes of infertility such as STDs and other infections,
but also young men should be taught about how to avoid STDs and fertility in
General ".
The "Merck more than a mother" initiative is specifically aimed at empowering infertile children
women in Africa by providing infertility awareness, prevention and treatment
initiatives that will address the medical, financial, social and emotional aspects
Problems of African women tortured by the silent agony of infertility.
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