Taiko Drum Master for Switch and PS4 confirmed for North America


Taiko no Tatsujin, or Taiko: Drum Master in the West, gets two new console games in November. Both Taiko no Tatsujin: Drum's n & # 39; Fun for the Nintendo Switch and Taiko no Tatsujin: Drum Session! The PlayStation 4 arrives in North America on November 2nd.

The two versions of Taiko no Tatsujin offer different modes and styles of play. Drum's n '# 39; Fun! allows players to use their Joy-Cons to air the drums to select songs and is modeled after the arcade version. Bandai Namco says that he will focus on multiplayer and will support up to four players at a time. You can also play alongside Nintendo characters like Kirby or Inlkings.

Drum Session! includes online gaming with unlockable guest characters like Hatsune Miku and Hello Kitty. Both versions of the game will include bonus songs from popular franchises like Neon Genesis Evangelion, Disney's Frozen and Hatsune Miku.

Taiko Drum & # 39; n & # 39; Fun! had already been announced for Japan, but until recently has not been confirmed for an exit to the United States. A dataminer revealed the inscription for Taiko Drum's n & # 39; Fun! earlier this week and here we are, blessed with a confirmation.

The latest Taiko game to come to the United States was Taiko: Drum Master for PlayStation 2. He came up with a taiko drum device. A similar battery device for Taiko on the Switch was announced in Japan but unfortunately was not announced for the states. Fortunately, Joy-Con's gyroscopic controls should suffice.

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