President Ndugai challenges global organizations to empower youth


He argued that while the government is accelerating the movement for a middle-income economy and industrial development, it is necessary to empower young people in the country as they should be the drivers of the initiative.

Ndugai made these remarks at a dinner-meeting between the parliamentary commission on social development and services and officials of the Overseas Voluntary Service (VSO), an international organization in the country.

"Through a partnership with local development colleges, you will have more chances to reach more young people and enable them to participate effectively in many entrepreneurial executions," he said, thanking VSO for its commitment to change the lives of Tanzanians. rural population.

He revealed that the colleges in question were popular development colleges (FDCs), community development colleges (CDCs) and vocational colleges (VETAs).

"Tanzania will become a middle-income country only in 2025 if we focus on youth participation in agriculture, livestock raising and small start-up processing industries, "he added.

He commended VSO for its ongoing efforts to improve the livelihoods and performance of the country's major economic sectors, namely agriculture, health, education and entrepreneurship .

"It is prudent for you to start thinking about the best way to expand services in more areas to accelerate the pace of development across the country," he said.

For his part, Dr. Philip Goodwin said that since its inception in Tanzania in 1961, the NGO has been successful in reducing poverty in many communities through various programs, including Employment and Entrepreneurship, Business Development and Agricultural Value Chain.

"With the good support and cooperation of local government authorities, we have also made great strides in improving the health of mothers, newborns, and adolescents in the Mtwara and Antarctic regions. Lindi ".

Elaborating, he says through the Accelerated Care and Treatment project for mothers and newborns, Lindi's maternal mortality rate increased from 175 to 3 (per 100,000 live births) and from 80 to 22 (per 100,000 live births) in the Mtwara region.

Regarding agricultural value chains, he said, thanks to the CASH project (Commercial Agriculture for Small Farmers in Horticulture in Zanzibar), average horticultural yields (in kg) increased by 66 percent. per cent 4,730 kg in 2016 to 7,853 kg in 2017).

However, aside from success, Dr. Goodwin stated that the operations of the NGO were hampered by some difficulties.

"One of the major challenges we face is the poor response of local young elites to come forward and volunteer in our company, unlike other countries," he said.

Introducing the general views of the committee, Committee Chair Juma Nkamia (CCM-Chemba) emphasized the importance of local youth in realizing the benefits of volunteering in international organizations.

"It is high time for educated young people in Tanzania to dissuade the idea that volunteering is a waste of time, because volunteering offers many benefits as it allows them to find permanent employment in key institutions. ".

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