Global Forecasts – Celsius – Houston Chronicle


World Forecast at 23:00 GMT Saturday 28 July 2018


City / Location, Country, Saturday Weather Conditions, Saturday High Temperature (C), Saturday Low Temperature (C), Weather Sunday Condition: Sunday High Temperature (C), Sunday Low Temperature (C), Sunday Wind Direction, Sunday Wind Speed ​​(KPH), Sunday Humidity (%), Chance of Precipitation Sunday. (Sun UV Index

Abidjan, Ivory Coast; Clearings; 29; 23; Showers and Thunderstorms; 28; 23; SW; 15; 85%; 85%; 6

Abu Dhabi, United Arab UAE; Mainly sunny and warm; 44; 34; Sunny and warm; 45; 33; N; 12; 29%; 0%; 12

Aleppo, Syria; Sunny and windy; 33; 22; Sunny and windy; ; 22; W; 32; 45%; 1%; 11

Algiers, Algeria; Sunny, low humidity; 30; 21; Rather sunny; 30; 18; WSW; 11; 47%; 0%; 11 [19659003] Amsterdam, The Netherlands; Showers and thunderstorms; 23; 15; Partially sunny; 27; 19; SSE; 24; 46%; 44%; 6

Anchorage, United States; Decreasing clouds; 20; ; Cloudy; 21; 13; S; 12; 71%; 44%; 2

Ashgabat, Turkmenistan; Sunny and very hot; 38; 24; Sunny and pleasant; 37; 23; SSW; 11; 16%; %; 10

Astana, Kazakhstan; Rather sunny; 25; 15; Rather sunny; beautiful; 27; 13; SE; 9; 36%; 9%; 7

Asuncion, Paraguay; Clouds and sun; 22; 7; A lot of sun, 19; 8; ESE; 5; 66%; 0%; 5

Athens, Greece; Partial sunshine; 30; 22; A couple of t-storms; 31; 23; WSW; 12; 67%; 69%; 10

Auckland, New Zealand; Scattered showers; 15; 10; Rain and rizzle; 16; 10; WSW; 19; 74%; 61%; 2

Baghdad, Iraq; Sunny and windy; 41; 27; Sunny and windy; 42; 28; NW; 26; 22%; 0%;

Banda Aceh, Indonesia; A t-storm in the spots; 32; 24; Spotty showers; 33; 24; SW; 10; 68%; 89%; 4

Bangalore, India; A t-storm in spots; 27; 21; Low clouds; 29; 20; W; 15; 66%; 44%; 6

Bangkok, Thailand; A t-storm or two; 36; 27; A t-storm in the spots; 33; 27; WSW; 11; 71%; 66%; 6

Barcelona, ​​Spain; Wet with sun; 29; 21; Wet with the sun; 29; 22; WSW; 14; 69%; 2%; 9 [19659003] Beijing, China; Partially sunny and warm; 33; 24; Partially sunny; 33; 25; S; 7; 68%; 36%; 10

Belgrade, Serbia; Strong thunderstorm; 28; 19; Violent storms; 29; 21; NW; 11; 80%; 80%; 7

Berlin, Germany; A t-storm in the spots; 32; 19; Clouds and sun; 30; 19; E; 9; 50%; 4%, 7

Bogota, Colombia; Clear; 17; 9; Scattered showers; 18; 9; ESE; 11; 74%; 83%; 11

Brasilia, Brazil; Sunny and delicious; 27; 10; Sunny and pleasant; 28; 11; E; 9; 36%; 3%; 7

Bratislava, Slovakia; A storm in the spots; 30; 21; A storm or two; 33; 21; NE; 20; 52%; 64%; 8

Brussels, Belgium; Showers and thunderstorms; 25; 15; rain; 26; 18; SSW; 13; 42%; 66%; 5

Bucharest, Romania; A strong storm; 30; 20; Violent storms; 30; 21; ENE; 6; 73%; 85%; 7

Budapest, Hungary; Shower or thunderstorm; 28; 20; Partially sunny and warm; 33; 20; NOT; 11; 46%; 30%; 8

Buenos Aires, Argentina; Rain and drizzle; 13; 12; Low clouds; 14; 7; WSW; 18; 74%; 24%; 1

Bujumbura, Burundi; A t-storm around; 27; 17; Showers and t-storms; 29; 18; BORN ; 9; 51%; 71%; 9

Busan, South Korea; Partially sunny; 32; 25; Showers around; 33; 27; BORN; 25; 52%; 89%; 9

Cairo, Egypt; Sunny, low humidity; 35; 23; Sunshine and heat; 36; 24; NOT; 13; 36%; 0%; 11

Cape Town, South Africa; Decreased clouds; 17; 10; Partially sunny; 15; 6 SSW; 11; 66%; 3%; 3

Caracas, Venezuela; A little sun, a t-storm; 27; 20; A little sun, a t-storm; 26; 20; E; 5; 64%; 80%; 12

Chennai, India; Clouds decreasing; 38; 28; High and hot clouds; 36; 28; S; 13; 63%; 44%; 7

Chicago, United States; Clouds and sun; 24; 19; Clouds and sun; 26; 19; ESE; 11; 61%; 44%; 8

Colombo, Sri Lanka; Cloudy with a shower; 30; 25; Mostl y cloudy; 30; 26; SW; 16; 75%; 81%; 7

Copenhagen, Denmark; A shower or t-storm; 26; 19; Partially sunny; 25; 17; SSW; 10; 55%; 26%; 6

Dakar, Senegal; Partially sunny, nice; 30; 25; Sunny and pleasant; 29; 25; NW; 12; 72%; 30%; 12

Dallas, United States; Hot with some sun; 38; 26; Partially sunny; hot; 39; 26; ESS; 13; 46%; 23%; 11

Dar es Salaam, Tanzania; Nice with sun; 29; 22; Partially sunny and humid; 29; 21; S; 15; 77%; 44%; 9

Delhi, India; A t-storm in the spots; 31; 26; Cloudy, a t-storm; 34; 27; ESE; 12; 77%; 73%; 6

Denver, United States; A t-storm in the spots; 25; 15; A strong storm; 27; 13; BORN; 10; 57%; 79%; 8

Dhaka, Bangladesh; Showers and thunderstorms; 33; 28; Clear; t-storm; 32; 26; ESS; 17; 79%; 91%; 9

Dili, East Timor; Sunny; 35; 20; Generally sunny; 30; 21; SE; 10; 61%; 6%; 8

Dublin, Ireland; Early showers; 16; 10; Cloudy variable; 19; 11; ESS; 19; 78%; 74%; 2

Dushanbe, Tajikistan; Partially sunny; 35; 21; Rather sunny, nice; 33; 17; NE; 9; 19%; 12%; 11

Gibraltar, Gibraltar; Sunny and ant advocacy; 31; 20; Sunny and pleasant; 27; 20; W; 23; 61%; 0%; 11

Hanoi, Vietnam; Showers and thunderstorms; 30; 26; Showers and thunderstorms; 29; 25; ESE; 8; 88%; 84%; 4

Harare, Zimbabwe; Nice with sunshine; 24; 8; Sunny and pleasant; 24; 9; ENE; 6; 47%; 3%; 6

Havana, Cuba; A storm in the spots; 31; 23; A t-storm in the spots; 31; 23; ESE; 7; 73%; 68%; 11

Helsinki, Finland; Partly sunny, windy; 29; 22; Partially sunny; 27; 21; ESE; 28; 73%; 24%; 5

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam; Morning rain; 33; 25; A storm or two; 33; 26; ; 19; 83%; 85%; 7

Hong Kong, China; Clearing; 33; 26; Generally sunny; 33; 26; S; 11; 69%; 44%; 12

Honolulu, United States; A few showers; 31; 25; Variable clouds; 31; 26; ENE; 22; 58%; 65%; 11

Hyderabad, India; Clear; 33; 24; Clear; 30; 22; WSW; 13; 61 Islamabad, Pakistan; T-storm in the spots; 33; 27; Mostly sunny; 35; 24; E; 13; 66%; 47%; 11

Istanbul, Turkey; Morning; 30; 22; A t-storm in the spots; 29; 22; BORN; 11; 70%; 50%; 10

Jakarta, Indonesia; Clouds crashing; 32; 24; Partially sunny; 33; 23; NE 9; 57%; 5%; 7

Jeddah, Saudi Arabia; Partially sunny, nice; 36; 30; Partially sunny; hot; 38; 29; ONO; 17; 51%; 2%; 8

Johannesburg, South Africa; Sunny and pleasant; 21; 5; Mostly sunny; 21; 6; ONO; 10; 42%; 0%; 5

Kabul, Afghanistan; Sunny and hot; 37; 17; Sunshine; 34; 16; NOT; 8; 21%; 1%; 12

Karachi, Pakistan; Clouds and sun; 31; 28; Mostly sunny; 32; 28; WSW; 22; 62%; 4%; 12

Kathmandu, Nepal; Violent storms; 28; 22; A t-storm in the spots; 27; 20; SE; 8; 89%; 73%; 4

Khartoum, Sudan; A little rain; 31; 24; Showers and t-storms; 33; 24, SSE; 20; 63%; 82%; 11

Kiev, Ukraine; Partially sunny, humid; 28; 18; Partially sunny; wet; 28; 20; ENE; 13; 61%; 43%; 7 [19659003] Kingston, Jamaica; A storm in the spots; 31; 27; A storm in the spots; 32; 27; E; 20; 61%; 64%; 13

Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo; Clouds and sun, beautiful; 29; 20; Showers and t-storms; 29; 19; WSW; 11; 62%; 64%; 7

Kolkata, India; Thunderstorm; 33; 26; A t-storm in the spots; 32; 26; SSW; 10; 81%; 70%; 3

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; A morning t-storm; 32; 25; A str yes t-storm; 31; 24; NNW; 8; 74%; 66%; 6

La Paz, Bolivia; Sweet with a little sun; 14; -3; Partially sunny, mild; 15; -3; NW; 13; 31%; 3%; 8

Lagos, Nigeria; Clear; 29; 24; Showers and thunderstorms; 27; 24; SW; 16; 83%; 87%; 3

Lima, Peru; clouds; 17; 14; Low clouds; 18; 15; S; 11; 75%; 4%; 2

Lisbon, Portugal; Sun, nice; 26; 17; Sunny and beautiful; 24; 18; NNW; 13; 50%; 1%; 10

London, United Kingdom; Windy more and more; 23; 15; thundershowers; 20; 17; SSW; 31; 82%; 86%; 2

Los Angeles, United States; sunny; 29; 20; Partially sunny; hot; 31; 20; SW; 9; 61%; 5%; 10

Luanda, Angola; Sun, less humid; 27; 20; Mostly sunny; 26; 18; SSW; 14; 62%; 0%; 8

Madrid, Spain; Sunny and very hot; 34; 19; Sunny and very hot; 33; 17; W; 10; 33%; 0%; 10

Male, Maldives, Clearing; 31; 27; Rather sunny, nice; 31; 28; W; 14; 66%; 19%; 11

Manaus, Brazil; Sun and clouds; 32; 23; Showers showers; 30; 24; ENE; 6; 78%; 84%; 10

Manila, Philippines; Rain and drizzle; 29; 25; A parasitic storm; 31; 26; SW; 17; 76%; 71%; 4 [19659003] Melbourne, Australia; Clouds rising; 18; 9; Rainy weather; 13; 8; WSW; 32; 63%; 89%; 2

Mexico City, Mexico; Partially sunny; 25; 14; At p.m. t-storm; 25; 13; NE; 8; 44%; 80%; 12

Miami, United States; t-storm; 31; 26; A t-storm in the spots; 30; 26; SE; 12; 79%; 79%; 8

Minsk, in Belarus; A strong storm; 27; 19; Partially sunny; 30; 18; E; 12; 66%; 23%; 6

Mogadishu, Somalia; Clouds decreasing; 35; 22; Not so hot; 28; 24; SSW; 19; 71%; 28%; 11 [19659003] Montevideo, Uruguay; A little rain afternoon; 13; 10; Rain and drizzle; 13; 8; WSW; 24; 79%; 62%; 1

Montreal, Canada; Partially sunny; 25; 18; Pleasant sunshine; 26; 18; WSW; 7; 55%; 12%; 7

Moscow, Russia; Cloudy and very hot; 31; 18; Sun and clouds; 26; 15; ENE; 16; 56%; 26%; 6

Mumbai, India; Shower or two; 30; 27; Stained showers; 30; 25; SW; 20; 80%; 82%; 4

Nairobi, Kenya; Nice with a little sun; 25; 12; Showers and thunderstorms; 23; 14; BORN; 8; 74%; 82%; 11

New York, United States; Sun and clouds; 29; 21; Rather sunny, nice; 29; 20; W; 10; 49%; 9%; 10

Nicosia, Cyprus, Sun, 35; 21; Mostly sunny; 35; 21; NW; 14; 41%; 2%; 11

Novosibirsk, Russia; Shower in the evening; 20; 12; Mostly sunny; 22; 11; SSW; 9; 65%; 81%; 6

Osaka-shi, Japan; Cloudy with showers; 31; 24; Wind and rain; 32; 25; E; 15; 63%; 75

Oslo, Norway; Violent storm; 25; 19; Showers and thunderstorms; 25; 14; S; 11; 72%; 61%; 5

Ottawa, Canada; -storm or two; 27; 14; A shower in the morning; 25; 15; SW; 15; 60%; 57%; 8

Pago Pago, American Samoa; A shower of passage; 29; 26; Spotted showers; 29; 25; E; 17; 80%; 82%; 6

Panama, Panama; Showers and thunderstorms; 31; 25; Showers and thunderstorms; 30; 25; ONO; 11; 79%; 82% 6

Paramaribo, Suriname; Downpours; 31; 23; Scattered showers; 32; 24; E; 7; 77%; 78%; 11

Paris, France; Cooler but nice; 26; 17; A shower in the afternoons; 29; 18; SW; 17; 38%; 58%; 4

Perth, Australia; Partially sunny; 17; 11; Partially sunny; 18; 11; W; 16; 67%; 67%; 2

Phnom Penh, Cambodia; t-storm; 33; 25; A parasite p.m. t-storm; 33; 26; SW; 16; 72%; 57%; 8

Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea; Some sun, nice; 29; 22; Clouds and sun, nice; 30; 22; SE; 24; 78%; 44%; 8

Port-au-Prince, Haiti; A t-storm in the spots; 35; 24; A t-storm in the spots; 33; 24; ESE; 9; 51%; 64

Prague, Czech Republic; A t-storm in the spots; 31; 20; Partially sunny; 30; 18; NE; 11; 44%; 29%; 7

Pyongyang, North Korea; t-storm; 35; 25; Sunny and very hot; 35; 22; ENE; 7; 65%; 11%; 10

Quito, Ecuador; Partially sunny; 22; 11; Showers showers; 21; 10; NW; 13; 56%; 83%; 7

Rabat, Morocco; Sun and Nice; 26; 17; Rather sunny, nice; 25; 16; NE; 13; 65%; 0%; 11

Recife, Brazil; Partially sunny; 28; 22; Morning shower; 27; 22; SE; 13; 77%; 83%; 8

Reykjavik, Iceland; Clouds, pm showers, 17; 12; afternoon showers; 21; 11; E; 17; 82%; 89%; 3

Riga, Latvia; Showers and thunderstorms; 29; 21; Clouds and sun, hot; 32; 22; ESE; 13; 59%; 44%; 5

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Partially sunny; 28; 20; Partially sunny; 30; 21; NNW; 8; 55%; 5%; 5

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Generally sunny, windy; 42; 27; Mostly sunny; 42; 28; NOT; 22; 10%; 0%; 13

Rome, Italy; Sunny; 30; 20; Partially sunny; hot; 34; 21; NW; 11; 47%; 8%; 9

St. Petersburg, Russia; Mostly sunny, humid; 29; 19; Sunny; 28; 17; E; 15; 62%; 3%; 5 [19659003] San Francisco, United States; Brittle clouds; 19; 13; Brittle clouds; 20; 13; WSW; 18; 70%; 0%; 9

San Jose, Costa Rica; Showers and thunderstorms; 26; 18; Showers and thunderstorms; 25; 18; E; 7; 83%; 86%; 7

San Juan, Puerto Rico; Partial sunshine; 30; 26; Partially sunny; 30; 27; E; 24; 73%; 64%; 13

San Salvador, El Salvador; Clouds and sunshine; 25; 19; A pm t-storm; 24; 19; NOT; 7; 95%; 84%; 13

Sana'a, Yemen; Clear; 28; 16; shower or two; 26; 14; W; 10; 42%; 64%; 13

Santiago, Chile; Partially sunny; 13; 2; Partially sunny; 12; 0; ENE; 5; 39%; 9%; 4

Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic; A t-storm in the spots; 31; 23; A t-storm in the spots; 30; 24; NOT; 9; 72%; 65%; 11

Sao Paulo, Brazil; Sunny and pleasant; 24; 13; Sunny and pleasant; 24; 15; NNW; 13; 51%; 1%; 10

Seattle, United States; Glade and hot; 29; 17; Sunny and very hot; 31; 18; NE; 9; 55%; 5%; 8

Seoul, South Korea; A t-storm in the spots; 36; 26; Sun, very hot; 36; 26; BORN; 9; 54%; 10%; 10

Shanghai, China; A pm t-storm; 36; 27; Rain and drizzle; 35; 27; WSW; 15; 66%; 65%; 11

Singapore, Singapore; Clouds and sun; 32; 28; Clear; 31; 26; SE; 11; 77%; 79%; 4

Sofia, Bulgaria; t-storm; 27; 16; Violent storms; 26; 17; WSW; 12; 81%; 79%; 8

St. John's, Antigua and Barbuda; A shower in the morning; 30; 27; Partially sunny; 31; 27; ENE; 25; 69%; 64%; 13

Stockholm, Sweden; A violent storm; 27; 21; thunderstorms; 28; 20; SE; 13; 83%; 85%; 3

Sydney, Australia; Sun and some clouds; 22; 12; Mostly sunny; 24; 9; W; 22; 48%; 5%; 3

Taipei City, Taiwan; Storm around; 36; 27; Partially sunny and warm; 35; 26; W; 13; 60%; 36%; 12

Tallinn, Estonia; A shower or t -storm; 28; 22; Clouds and sun, hot; 30; 21; ESE; 17; 58%; 34%; 5

Tashkent, Uzbekistan; Sunshine, pleasant; 33; 22; Sunny and very hot; 36; 21; SE; 11; 21%; 0%; 10

Tbilisi, Georgia; Sunny and very hot; 34; 23; Sunny and hot; 35; 22; NE; 16; 26%; 4%; 10 [19659003] Tehran, Iran; Hot with the sun; 36; 28; Hot with the sun; 39; 26; ESS; 11; 11%; 0%; 12

Tel Aviv, Israel; Partially sunny, nice; 31; 25; sunny; 30; 24; NOT; 13; 49%; 2%; 11

Tirana, Albania; Clouds and sun; 31; 20; A couple of t-storms; 31; 22; BORN; 8; 55%; 64%; 9

Tokyo, Japan; Rain and wind; 28; 26; Scattered showers; 31; 25; ESS; 22; 75%; 82%; 6 [19659003] Toronto, Canada; Clouds and sun; 24; 17; Partially sunny, nice; 24; 17; SW; 12; 69%; 8%; 9

Tripoli, Libya; A lot of sun; 36; 24; Sunny and pleasant; 32; 23; E; 14; 53%; 0%; 11

Tunis, Tunisia; Sunny and very hot; 35; 21; Rather sunny, warm; 36; 23; ONO; 13; 37%; 0%; 10

Ulan Bator, Mongolia; Cloudy, rainy pm; 21; 13; Generally sunny, pleasant; 23; 13; ESE; 9; 60%; 20%; 8

Vancouver, Canada; Partially sunny; 28; 18; Sunny and very hot; 30; 19; BORN ; 7; 47%; 0%; 7

Vienna, Austria; Showers and thunderstorms; 31; 22; Partially sunny; 31; 20; NOT; 13; 48%; 35%; 8

Vientiane, Laos; A storm or two; 27; 24; Cloudy, a t-storm; 28; 24; NW; 8; 84%; 88%; 3

Vilnius, Lithuania; Thunderstorms; 27; 21; Sun and some clouds; 30; 19; E; 14; 68%; 44%; 6

Warsaw, Poland; A t-storm in the spots; 30; 20; T-storms drenching; 30; 20; NE; 8; 74%, 85%; 6

Wellington, New Zealand; Rather sunny, windy; 13; 11; A little rain afternoon; 16; 7; SSW; 25; 70%; 82%; 2

Yangon, Myanmar; A t-storm or two; 30; 25; A couple of t-storms; 30; 25; SW; 11; 80%; 79%; 4

Yerevan, Armenia; Sunny and very hot; 37; 21; Sunny and very hot; 38; 21; BORN; 5; 29%; 4%; 10


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