GA hosts a priest from Tanzania | Local


Reverend William Deziel and Reverend Edison Galarza, with the Guardian Angels Catholic Church in Chaska, will welcome Reverend Augustine Mbiche from August 11 to 12.

Augustine is from Matamba, Tanzania, in. Due to the AIDS epidemic, the St. Monica School was created in 2006 for orphaned children.

Many children have lost one or both parents to AIDS. According to a Guardian Angels press release, the school now has more than 350 students

. Orphans receive shelter and education, as well as clothing, uniforms, food, books and health care. "Father Augustine has saved thousands of orphans and Guardian Angels would like to help him continue his mission," the statement said.

The church will take a collection at all Masses from August 11th to 12th. The money will be used for children and their school.

"They need a roof repair and they build a safety wall around the school, the cost of education and housing is $ 600 a year". press release

Deposit or send donations to the Guardian Angels Catholic Church, 215 West Second Street, Chaska.

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