The oldest minerals in the solar system reveal the sun's violent past • The Register


An analysis of hibonite, considered to be one of the oldest minerals in the solar system, has shown the turbulent and violent early history of our sun.

A team of scientists analyzed meteorite samples containing hibonite. a mass spectrometer. The mineral contains small pockets of inert gases preserved from chemical reactions from the moment the energetic protons of the Sun broke into the atoms of calcium and aluminum crystals

"Almost nothing in the solar system is old enough to confirm the activity of the Sun., but these minerals from meteorites in the Field Museum's collections are quite old, they are probably the first minerals that have formed in the solar system, "said Philipp Heck, co-author of the study and curator at the Field Museum. at the University of Chicago

They formed when the young Sun was wrapped around an accretion disk full of gas and dust. The temperature would have been over 1,500 degrees Celsius (2,732 Fahrenheit) and the disc would have cooled by forming blue crystals of hibonite.

The building blocks of hibonite have split to create neon and helium billions of years. These crystals were finally washed away in meteorites that eventually fell to Earth.

"These crystals formed more than 4.5 billion years ago and are a record of some of the early events that took place in our solar system, and even though they are so small – many are less than 100 microns in diameter – they have been able to retain these highly volatile noble gases produced by the irradiation of the young Sun so long ago, "said Levke Kööp, lead author of the published article in Nature Astronomy and a postdoctoral researcher from the University of Chicago


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The samples were first melted by heating using powerful laser beams, then the released gases were analyzed in a mass spectrometer

A surprisingly strong signal was emitted for helium and neon dan s the oldest minerals. the newer material did not experience the same levels of radiation.

"In addition to finally finding clear evidence in the meteorites that the materials of the discs were directly irradiated, our new findings indicate that the ancient solar system materials have experienced a phase of irradiation as more materials young people have avoided.We think that means that a major change has occurred in the nascent solar system after the formation of hibonites – maybe the activity of the Sun has decreased, or maybe the materials subsequently trained were unable to travel to those areas of the disc where irradiation was possible Kööp. ®

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