Trump Admin says fight against homophobia abroad is anti-Christian


The administration of Donald Trump pushes his version of religious freedom – like the freedom to discriminate against those who offend his religious views – not only in the United States but abroad. Mulvaney, director of the Office of Management and Budget, said that foreign policy that seeks to discourage homophobia amounts to religious persecution, ThinkProgress reports: "Our US taxpayer dollars are being used to discourage Christian values ​​in other democracies. It has been amazing to me that my government, under a previous administration, is going to sub-Saharan Africa and saying, "We know you have an abortion law, but if you apply this law, you do not have a law against abortion. will not get our money. We know that you have a law against same – sex marriage, but if you apply this law, we will not give you money. It is a different type of religious persecution that I did not expect to see. "

However, Mulvaney's statement" is either intentionally misleading or unintentionally ignorant, "points out ThinkProgress . The administration of President Barack Obama has threatened to deny assistance to countries with homophobic laws, but it was not just a ban on marriage – he was acting of laws providing for incarceration or homosexuality. A proposal in Uganda would have subjected homosexuals to the death penalty in some cases; When the law was promulgated, the maximum sentence was changed to life imprisonment, and the law was overturned by a Ugandan court. Yet Ugandan LGBT people face oppression and violence.

"The approach of 19459017 was still to protect LGBTQ people from persecution by law, and not by religious persecution, as Mulvaney pointed out" ThinkProgress [19659002] And the Trump administration seems to want to ignore the anti-LGBT persecution abroad. The US representative to the UN Human Rights Council voted against a resolution condemning the application of the death penalty for homosexuality, saying the resolution went too far in calling for the abolition of the death penalty for any crime. The United States subsequently withdrew from the Human Rights Council

. Policies complicating the task of people fleeing the persecution to obtain the l & # 39; asylum in the United States are to endanger LGBT people with others. Trump was also particularly silent on the campaign against homosexual and bisexual men in the Chechen Republic, where many were sent to concentration camps and several were murdered – and he remains comfortable with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Several anti-LGBT activists participated in last week's event, including Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, and representatives of the Alliance Defending Freedom Washington Blade . and the anti-choice groups at the ministerial meeting illustrate the cynical nature of the Trump administration's promotion of "religious freedom", said Harry Samuels, policy advisor for the American Jewish World Service, who funds LGBT rights around the world. in a declaration to the Blade

"The administration intentionally confuses honorable efforts to protect religious minorities from violence with the use of" religious conscience "to legitimize discrimination against LGBTI people and deny sexual and reproductive health services to women and girls around the world, "he added.

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