Blackout should be able to play for free, advises an analyst


For the facilitator, Michael Pachter, industry analyst, gives some free tips: publish the Blackout mode of Black Ops 4 as a separate free game in 2019.

The Royal Battle of Powers has moved to Fortnite for a big reason: it's free. Everyone can play it for free, making it much more accessible than the $ 30 PlayerUnknown battlefields. Accessibility is one of the main pillars of online engagement-based services, and easy access leads to more engagement that can then turn into more money. An analyst thinks that this trend should affect the AAA game.

In the current state of affairs, most AAA live games combine both free play and buy-to-play play. Games like Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 result in a $ 60 registration fee, while it's a multiplayer game and includes F2P-style microtransactions for recurring cash flow. Blackout is currently linked to the full Paygate game. But Activision could follow Fortnite in an essential way: Blackout popular fashion of Black Ops 4 in a free autonomous battle royale game on consoles and on PC.

In a recent interview with Josiah Renaudin The 1099 podcastWedbush Securities analyst Michael Pachter pointed out some positive points about live gaming in general. But one point has really struck me. For the most part, Pachter says publishers should divide their games into two independent entities: paid single-player content and free multiplayer components with microtransactions.

"There are people who want to play the single-player campaign in Call of Duty (this year obviously does not.) There are people who want to play FIFA Ultimate Team. hardcore players really like both, they like to play in single player campaign mode and they like to play in multiplayer. So [as a publisher] you can justify that by charging $ 60 for the campaign mode but releasing all the multiplayer aspects. Bring people and encourage them to spend money, " Pachter said on the show.

"I think you're going to see a migration, the leader in this area will probably be Activision, and probably with [Black Ops 4’s] Blackout. So my prediction is that Blackout will be played for free in 2019, probably a few months before the next Call of Duty.

"And you will see this audience expand, since it is free, to 100 million people and they will suddenly generate 20 or $ 30 million more per month."

Publishers are extremely shortsighted about monetizationhowever, and seem to resist some changes. To develop the market, major game makers must be willing to adapt and experiment to evolve their business. But why risk spoiling a billion-dollar deal? It's simple, really: transforming a billion dollars into 2 billion dollars.

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