Netanyahu's challenges as defense minister and right-wing leader


It is unfortunate that Russian President Vladimir Putin has recently resigned his talks with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who can teach the Russian leader some ideas on how to govern.

"I am only president, how do you manage to be Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister of Defense, Minister of Health and Minister of Immigrant Integration?" Putin reportedly asked Netanyahu.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (Photo: Alex Kolomoisky)

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (Photo: Alex Kolomoisky)

Netanyahu would have thanked Putin for the compliment. "My enemies say that Israel is going through a process of putinisation, it is nonsense, Russia is going through a process of privatization, go learn," he added.

Netanyahu on Wednesday approved the appointment of Major General Eyal Zamir as IDF Deputy Chief of Staff. Netanyahu's speech at the staff meeting photographed well, with Gaza at the top of the agenda agenda, rather than a possible war on the northern front – as the Prime Minister had so vividly described it just a few days ago.

I accompanied Zamir during the first months of riots on the border with Gaza. We talked a lot. This is a professional, prudent, experienced and majestic FID officer. Netanyahu has hurt him by demanding his appointment before the hour.

Zamir's competitor, Major-General Nitzan Alon, is no less professional, experienced and imposing. Alon is a brilliant man. Unfortunately for him, he served as COG Central Command.

Prime Minister Netanyahu (left) and Major General Eyal Zamir (Photo: GPO)

Prime Minister Netanyahu (left) and Major General Eyal Zamir (Photo: GPO)

After working to uphold the law in the West Bank, Alon became the enemy of the settlers. It is difficult to say whether the false propaganda broadcast by the most radical settler tipped the scale against him, or whether the virtues of Zamir influenced the final decision.

Prime Ministers insisted on holding the defense portfolio even before Netanyahu. They did it mainly to prevent other people from taking the very important position of defense minister as a counterweight.

Shimon Peres is a classic example of Yitzhak Rabin's first government. Rabin learned his lesson and appointed himself Minister of Defense during his second government.

But that's not Netanyahu's problem yet. The first task of the Defense Minister is to stabilize the situation on the Gaza border, and the decisions necessary to achieve this goal will not please the right.

Netanyahu needs someone to part with him and make decision-making. After having kept the defense portfolio for himself, at the time of the elections, there remain two options: either the required decision will not be taken, or the blame will be borne on the outgoing Chief of Staff's head. and entering.

The outgoing chief of staff, Gadi Eisenkot, has already been described as the country's enemy. Sooner or later, this will also happen to Aviv Kochavi, the new chief of staff.

Outgoing Chief of Staff, Gadi Eisenkot (Photo: Yair Sagi)

Outgoing Chief of Staff Gadi Eisenkot (Photo: Yair Sagi)

The good news is that Eisenkot and Kochavi owe their appointment to no one. Netanyahu's selection process was fast and without commitment. They were named individually. I hope that Zamir will think so too.

Eisenkot will end his term on December 31st. His tenure as chief of staff was to be extended for one year, but he voluntarily renounced it, which is another reason to give him a high regard.

Unlike Roni Alsheikh, the outgoing police commissioner, who has waged a desperate campaign to extend his term of office, as well as his successor, Eisenkot has asked to shorten his sentence instead of extending it.

I think it is fair to say that Eisenkot prevented three bloody military campaigns during his tenure as chief of staff – the first on the northern front, the second in the West Bank and the third in Gaza. He did so thanks to a vast and daring activity of the special forces on the other side of the border and to profound reforms of the army. It is unfortunate that quotations are not given for the prevention of war.

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