Kenya: Save Lake Victoria from Jacinta, Sonko tells ecologists


Nairobi – Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko challenged environmentalists to save Lake Victoria from the water hyacinth that had smothered the freshwater lake.

Sonko said the floating grass that was now covering 360 hectares of the lake had hindered the movement of people and fishing in Lake Victoria.

Speaking Tuesday as he was addressing the conference on the sustainable blue economy at KICC in Nairobi, Sonko urged leaders and environmentalists to find a solution to the threat of the Hyacinth that hinders the growth of the blue economy within Lake Victoria, the second largest freshwater lake in the world. the world.

"It is not normal that all environmental experts are unable to find a solution to this threat.We should find a resolution at this conference: we will now allow factors to negatively affect the environment. A blue economy without a concerted effort to deal with it We need to find a way to permanently eradicate this weed, we owe it to our people, "said Sonko during his speech at the conference.

Lake Victoria is bordered by Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania, and the Kenyan side is the most affected by this hyacinth.

The governor has called for an end to the pollution of our oceans, lakes and rivers, calling it a danger to humanity as a whole.

However, Sonko hailed the Kenyan government's recent ban on the use of plastic bags, saying the decision had significantly reduced the amount of plastic found in our rivers, lakes and oceans.

"We must preserve our environment, pollution of the oceans, lakes and rivers is a danger for all of humanity." Kenya recently banned the use of plastic bags, most of which ended up in landfills and in the water supply system, he added.

"Our oceans and lakes offer us tremendous potential for employment, agriculture, tourism, energy, industry and travel. hunger, provide livelihoods and improve our standard of living, it is up to us to exploit this potential, "said the governor.

In the meantime, he promised that his government would step up its campaign to clean the Nairobi river ecosystem.

"Over the past four months, we have eliminated hundreds of tonnes of waste from our rivers and are currently running a campaign to maintain this momentum," he said.

Speaking at the same forum, Maimunah Mohd Sharif, executive director of UN-Habitat, welcomed the ongoing beautification exercise by the administration. Sonko, claiming that the county government of Nairobi City was a great example of managing our environment.

For his part, Eugene Wamalwa, secretary of the government in charge of deconcentration, also welcomed the exercise of beautification of the county government of Nairobi city.

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