Fast Pair makes it easy to pair Bluetooth headphones on Android devices through a Google Account.


Android phone with headphones

Google is taking steps to make it easy to pair Bluetooth headphones and speakers with your Android phones, but also to make it easier to use the same Bluetooth hardware with multiple devices.

Last year, the Pair Fast feature was announced. Today, Google has partnered with many companies in the audio industry not only to improve support, but also to use Google accounts to simplify the process of getting the word out. use of the same headphones and speakers with multiple phones. – and, from next year, Chromebooks.

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The change means that if you use a Bluetooth headset or speaker with a particular Android phone that you then switch to a new device, you simply need to sign in to your Google Account and the audio device settings will automatically transferred. and ready for use.

When writing to the Android developer blog, Google states:

We have worked closely with dozens of manufacturers, many of whom are introducing new Fast Pair compatible devices in the coming months. This includes Jaybird, which already sells Tarah Wireless sports headphones, as well as upcoming products from leading brands such as Anker SoundCore, Bose and many more.

We also want to help manufacturers ship compatible products with a minimum of engineering. We have collaborated with leading Bluetooth audio companies such as Airoha Technology Corp., BES and Qualcomm Technologies International, Ltd. (QTIL) to add native support for the fast pair to their software development kits.

Chromebook users can expect to take advantage of the same quick pair features at an indefinite date in 2019.

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