Photos of the Earth: Accelerated video shows two trips around the planet


Two trips around the Earth in just 15 minutes?

This incredibly fast journey is now possible thanks to an accelerated video of the International Space Station, published this month by the European Space Agency.

The stunning video footage shows masses of swirling storm clouds and illuminated city centers shining from the darkness of space and allows viewers to see some places like Italy. , France and Shanghai.

media_cameraTwice around the Earth in 15 minutes. Extraordinary images captured from space. Image: ESA

The final video includes 21,375 images of the Earth, captured by Alexander Gerst, ESA astronaut and commander of the International Space Station.

He moves from Tunisia to Beijing and Australia, showing that the planet passes twice from day to night.

It also flies over oceans, landscapes and deep blue atmospheres that look like paintings.

media_cameraShanghai and Beijing can be seen from space even at night. Image: ESA

The 15-minute clip was sped up to 12.5 times faster than the actual speed of the observatory, according to

This story was originally published on Fox News and has been republished here with permission.

Originally released as Unreal time lapse shows the Earth from the space

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