Uhuru receives special award from AU for organizing a conference on the blue economy


President Uhuru Kenyatta received Tuesday evening a special award from the African Union Commission (AUC) for his role in organizing the first World Conference on the Blue Economy.

The conference began Monday and ends Wednesday.

Uhuru was honored for his mobilization and mobilization of the world for a successful and historic conference attended by over 18,000 delegates from 170 countries.

African Union Commission President Moussa Faki praised Uhuru for his leadership role in running the blue economy agenda in Africa, as well as ensuring that the continent exploits its share of marine resources.

The award was presented at a banquet organized by the AUC in honor of the Heads of State and Government and delegates attending the conference. Kenya is proud to promote a global program to ensure that Africa benefits from the large and lucrative blue economy.

He added that the continent's blue economy resources had been exploited by others for many years and that it was time for Africans to mobilize to exploit the remaining resources.

"Africa has not benefited from this dwindling resource.The continent must unite to exploit the remaining resources for the benefit of the continent and the future of humankind" said Uhuru.

He said his government would continue to work closely with the AU for a successful blue economy agenda.

Uhuru thanked the AUC for the prize, saying that this honor belongs to the "great people of Kenya".

The banquet was held at a Nairobi hotel in the presence of Vice President William Ruto and African Union Special Envoy for Infrastructure Raila Odinga.

The AUC Awards were presented in three categories to recognize countries, associations and individuals who have made a significant contribution to the blue economy agenda in Africa.

In addition to President Kenyatta's award – described as special and most important – Presidents of Togo, Faure Gnassingbé, and Danny Faure of Seychelles, and Mauritian Prime Minister Pravind Jugnauth, have been recognized as champions of the campaign. 39, blue economy on the continent. .

The AUC also recognized Canada for co-hosting the Nairobi conference alongside Japan.

The president of the AUC said the blue economy agenda was important for the African continent, adding that 90 percent of Africa's exports were shipped by sea.

"That's why our heads of state and government have decided to give priority to the blue economy," he told delegates.

He said the blue economy was a new frontier for Africa and thanked President Kenyatta for playing a leading role in its promotion.

The chairman of the African Union Commission called for prudent management of the resource and respect for the marine ecosystem, which he called a blessing.

The three-day conference ends with resolutions to guide Africa on how to exploit, protect, maintain and manage its marine resources.

Read: Blue economy: Uhuru pledges to protect water resources

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