Statement by the Prime Minister at the conference on the sustainable blue economy


"This conference was an example of multilateralism at its best, and showed Canada leadership, working in partnership in countries that come together to face our common challenges. Representatives of governments, business leaders, academics and scientists came together to explore ways to create sustainable economic growth, promote clean, clean water and create safe and resilient coastal communities. They showed that when we work together, we bring real solutions and better results for people and for the planet.

"A blue economy is about harnessing the potential of our oceans, seas, lakes and rivers – resources that Canada is privileged to have the opportunity to improve the lives of all, especially women, youth, indigenous peoples and people living in developing countries. It means harnessing the latest innovations, scientific advances and best practices while promoting prosperity and preserving our waters for future generations.

"Building a sustainable ocean economy is a global challenge that we face together. Canada is determined to do our part.

"At the conference, Canada announced its support for the UN Decade of the Science of the Sea, which will create a project office to strengthen scientific capacity and enhance cooperation in the field of maritime affairs through ocean research. We also announced funding for the World Economic Forum's Friends of the Ocean Task Force and the United Nations Special Envoy for the Ocean, for Sustainable use and conservation of ocean and marine resources, in line with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. We also underscored our commitment to working with the global community to support resilient coastlines and coastal communities.

"These measures are based on Canada leadership in protecting the oceans we share. In cooperation with Aboriginal and coastal communities, we work to protect our environment and protect our oceans for future generations. $ 1.5 billion National Plan for Oceans Protection. Canada has also made ocean protection and clean energy a top priority during our G7 presidency, launched the Plastics Charter for the Ocean to eliminate plastic pollution and announced funding to preserve the health and resilience of our coasts and coastal communities.

"On behalf of the Government of Canada, I thank Kenya and Japan for their leadership and dedication to stewardship of the environment. Climate change knows no boundaries. Only by working together can we build a prosperous and sustainable blue economy that leaves no one behind. "

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SOURCE Office of the Prime Minister

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