There has been a lot of noise in the world of hit games this month, mainly with regard to Rockstar. Red Dead Redemption 2.
This wild west-inspired adventure perfectly illustrates what modern interactive storytelling is capable of: ridiculously realistic graphics, deep storytelling, fascinating characters and captivating action sequences.
It took seven years and nearly 3,000 people to create RDR2. The game would have generated sales of nearly 1 billion US dollars (RM3.19bil) during its first weekend, and has been hailed by universal criticism. Downloads and copies amounted to 20 million. A New York Times the opinion calls it "true art".
That struck me on the day of Red Dead Redemption 2This release was released because I spent most of the day finishing another game, a five-year old title called Life is strange. Developed by an independent French developer with a budget of between 10 million euros and 15 million euros, this contract was just as attractive as the new title to success, in another way.
The emotional power of Life is strangeThe story of Max and Chloe about the unusual life of teenage girls has moved me to tears many times. The graphics are not up to the current hyper-real games, but its appeal lies in its stories, dubbing, voice, rhythm and mystery. Thematically, it's somewhere in the middle of the Venn diagram containing the Broken sword, Television Strange thingsand cinema Eternal sun of the spotless spirit. Add a bit of drama to adolescence for good measure and your favorite crime novel. The game was also a huge commercial success for developer Dontnod Entertainment, and gave birth to a recently released sequel.
I played the last part of the game on a round trip flight after a conference. His heartbreaking final act reminded me that the beauty of the modern video game is not limited to the biggest blockbusters in store shelves, nor to their birth. huge budgets and thousands of development teams. It's like in the film industry: you have your blockbusters and your indie successes dormant.
Therefore, in your next purchase – or investment in a gaming studio – keep in mind that it's easy to assume that the titles or developers with the greatest potential are those with the necessary resources to pay attention to the smallest graphic details. But for every Rockstar and Red Dead Redemption 2There are dozens of low-budget jewels under the surface that are also worthy of your money. – Bloomberg
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