Smith and Warner need time to reintegrate into a "dysfunctional family" – Langer


Australian coach Justin Langer admits that Steven Smith and David Warner will only have four months to clear Australian cricket bans, which may be needed to re-establish ties and ensure that the former leaders, alongside Cameron Bancroft, can be integrated team.

Langer was keen to include Warner and Smith in the Australian team's activities in Sydney this week, having them tested by Josh Hazlewood and Pat Cummins in the SCG nets Sunday and Monday respectively, while he also had lunch with Smith at Sydney. East suburbs, having already met Warner in person before the United Arab Emirates tour.

While Langer denied that he had deliberately planned to meet separately with Smith and Warner, he added that it would take a long time – now both players know that their ban will be fully respected – to reinstate them. Smith and Warner have met at least once in Sydney to share a meal in recent months, but it is clear that their relationship needs more time and effort to recover from the Newlands scandal.

"There will be a process for the boys to come back and it is really important that we start working on this process from now on," Langer told reporters in Sydney before the annual Bradman Foundation dinner. "We can not come to the point and just say" they are back. "It's not fair to them, it's not just for the team, it's not neat. It's not fair for everyone.It's nice to have Davey and Steve had a hit yesterday, I had lunch with him on Monday morning and I also met Davey a few hours this afternoon there.

"I did not catch them deliberately separately, I met Davey in Brisbane before going to the UAE because I wanted to see him in the face.It is one thing to exchange SMS and SMS. emails you have to talk face to face with C's was the first time I saw Steven the other day.I wanted it to be between us because there is a lot to say, and with time, we will to bring the fraternity together and everything will be fine.

"I talk a little bit to Cameron Bancroft, they have spent 12 difficult months, they have been penalized for making a very big mistake, no doubt, but we have to get them into the group and every opportunity we get is a positive one. "

National coach since May, Langer said this week to his mentor, Alan Jones, during a radio interview, that the first passages of his four-year contract had been like "sailing to through a fire ". On his first day of coaching, he reiterated the message that he was parallel to Australian Cricket and Western Australia, when he took over a team, a state association and a community more. wide cricket late 2012, before bringing together disparate groups over time. .

"I think we all have to meet," said Langer. "When I took control of Western Australian cricket for the first time, it was like a dysfunctional family." The media hated the team, the team hated them, the cricket club hated WACA, WACA hated them, old players hated WACA, WACA hated them.

"There was a lot of anguish, I probably have a feeling that a little bit now in Australian cricket, there are a lot of them and for someone who is passionate about Australian cricket and now the coach, i like the harmony well i love the family.Many disappeared on, do not be afraid of that, the closer we can bring the family, you would say a dysfunctional family, I know it's a headline for you, but that's what I felt at the time.

"If you think about ACA and CA, the public and the team, the media and the team, it's a bit disjointed for the moment. The more we can bring back, the greater the harmony and you will get a happier environment for all. includes boys. "

Langer was inducted Tuesday night into the ranks of the Bradman Foundation alongside his former partner, Matthew Hayden, after writing to Sir Donald Bradman for advice as a young player in the early 1990s. Some catch up with Hayden, the other half of a first combination that broke all records records between 2001 and 2007, allowed Langer to rest from the fighting of the moment.

"I went to dinner with Haydos last night, it was the first time I had laughed for about six months, it was a good night and it put things in perspective," he said. "I know what you need in the locker room, I've been in beautiful locker rooms, I've also been in poor, you have to create it and it takes time, but when you do it, get, it's a special place They looked like my brothers, that's what makes it a good team, it's a bit corny but it's true. "

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