The blockchain can change the face of renewable energy in Africa. here's how


In Africa, the demand for electricity far exceeds the supply. The shortage of 173,000 MW in Nigeria (for a country with energy needs of about 180,000 MW) has led to the large-scale import of noisy and polluting generators.

Annual increase in the rate of access to electricity in 2010-2016 in countries where demand for electricity exceeds supply.

Most countries in sub-Saharan Africa have the same experience. In rural Rwanda, where more than 70 percent of the population lives, only 18 percent of the population has access to electricity. A large number of households and public buildings in rural communities are not connected to their state-supported electricity grid. Urban dwellers and medium-sized grid-connected businesses still can not be sure of having electricity all day long. The Rwandan government has set a goal of achieving electrification by 2024.

The cost of producing and distributing electricity is high. Economic and political reasons mean that it will take a lifetime for these communities to be considered. The United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 7, which aims for universal access to energy for all by 2030, among other international agreements, is creating a global consensus on energy renewable in off-grid communities.

In several African countries, renewable energy has been at the center of development strategies and investments. Huge investments and support from the African Development Bank (AfDB), the Overseas Private Investment Corporation and the World Bank in the areas of solar photovoltaic and solar energy. wind energy give results.

Indeed, the easiest and most affordable way to provide electricity to rural communities in Africa is to use a decentralized energy source, such as solar photovoltaic and solar energy. wind energy. These communities, which are not connected to the national grid, will allow the government to invest in large power plants to meet the growing demand for electricity.

Togo, Nigeria and the Democratic Republic of Congo are successful in establishing policies and regulatory frameworks in this sector. As part of an ambitious plan to achieve universal energy access across the continent by 2025, the AfDB is mobilizing capital to help realize the continent's potential for energy efficiency. generate at least 160 GW by 2025.

While this is commendable, experts believe that green energy penetration in the African market is low and that, so far, the success of electrification plans is focused on the number of established connections and installed megawatts. rather than the end use of that energy.

There is however an ongoing change in the way in which the success of electrification needs to be measured. In Africa, communities need household appliances, classrooms, equipment, irrigation systems, etc., ready to be powered by electricity. The energy provided must meet a demand that increases productivity.

The expansion of decentralized energy is not necessary if end-use does not improve life and does not meet critical needs. The World Bank uses this same measure to check the progress made in terms of access to electricity.

Innovation to accelerate access via decentralized energy is more oriented towards demand management and distribution, using connectivity and data.

With the emergence of blockchain (protocol eliminating intermediaries), it is possible to establish a large encrypted book that can record energy consumption, credit histories (which are relevant in case of need of access financing) , as well as energy trading. between households; enabling consumers to better control their energy needs and consumption.

In 2017, Energy Web Foundation (EWF), a nonprofit organization, began developing an open source and blockchain scalable platform with the goal of creating a market standard for the energy sector in its core business. To tap on its own solutions based on the blockchain.

The first use case of EWF, EW Origin, creates a market where all smart meters using solar PV can communicate. It also records where the generated renewable electricity comes from, with specific details about source type, time, location and CO2 emissions. This provides a universal dashboard to track the world's energy consumption.

A recent Brooklyn microgrid project offers participants the opportunity to choose their preferred source of energy locally. Using a mobile application, Exergy, residents with photovoltaic solar panels on their roofs (called "prosumers") can sell their excess solar photovoltaic energy to residents who do not have photovoltaic solar panels connected to the microarray. Secure trading is made possible by blockchain. Platforms like these help small energy consumers to reach electricity and financial inclusion.

Initiatives to achieve universal access to energy for all in Africa can not be superficial. The commitment to the success of electrification should be enhanced by the mutually beneficial collaboration of public and private entities. Successful collaboration between these actors will be the result of common interests, investment openness and the use of innovative solutions; and there should be active participation of citizens too.

A usual attitude will not change the energy outlook of Africa. Use technology that allows a shared consensus on a transparent, but secure, bottom. First and foremost, Blockchain will inspire the rapid adoption of a decentralized energy system in places with or without electricity. Second, not only will it increase the productivity of small energy users, but new ways of defining the end use of energy will emerge.


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