The DE calls on defense forces to use their skills for nation-building


The Chronicle

Share Felex / Nyasha Mlambo, Harare Office
President Mnangagwa yesterday urged the country's security forces to use the skills and knowledge acquired through various training programs for the construction of the Second Republic.

President Mnangagwa said at the graduation ceremony of 66 officers enrolled at the 31st Command and Staff Course at the Zimbabwe Staff College that everyone had a role to play in the Second Republic.

"I am convinced that this course has sufficiently equipped you so that future appointments are surmountable, while you play your role with determination in the building of the Second Republic," he said.

"I am convinced that this course has given graduates the necessary skills to effectively perform their constitutional duties. I challenge students to use the knowledge gained in the 46 weeks of this course.

"It is up to you all to deepen and refine your skills in staff procedures, logistics, leadership, command, geopolitical studies and military technology.

"The tactics used in both conventional and low-intensity warfare, United Nations peace support and peacekeeping operations, among other topics to which students have been exposed, will be useful in more officers can accomplish during their professional responsibilities. "

Course No. 31 Joint Command and Staff began in January of this year with 67 students, but one of them did not pass the course.

The students were drawn from the Zimbabwe National Army, the Republic of Zimbabwe Police, the Zimbabwe Air Force, Zimbabwe Prisons and Prison Services and the Department of Justice. President.

Other participants came from Botswana, Malawi, Tanzania, Swaziland, Zambia and South Africa.

President Mnangagwa said synergies with Sadc member states were commendable.

He said that no country had a monopoly of ideas and knowledge of peace and security issues.

"Such interactions facilitate cross-pollination of ideas and experiences, foster mutual trust and partnerships," he said.

"The Joint Command and Staff Course remains important in our country's current development, given the connection between national security, peace, stability and economic development.

"In addition to the multifaceted benefits of these competent, competent and competent officers, these courses also contribute to the overall human capital base of our country.

"I am encouraged to see that the Joint Command and Staff Course program is continually being revised to include all of our national values ​​and ethics.

"The introduction of socio-cultural interaction and studies in the course curriculum is relevant. I therefore urge officers to use this exhibition to revive their national pride, identity, history, restoration and preservation of our African culture and heritage. "

President Mnangagwa said that external study visits by security officers were essential to broaden students' conceptualization and understanding of political, economic, cultural and civil-military relations in different parts of the world.

"These exchanges also promote an in-depth appreciation of the country's history and experiences in the context of the wider environment and help guide our relationships and interactions in the courtesy of nations," he said. -he declares.

"The need and importance of geopolitical strategic cooperation and partnerships in the current global security architecture can not be overstated.

"In this regard, we welcome the continued support from the People's Republic of China to the Zimbabwe Defense Forces, including the detachment of officers from the training team in Zimbabwe. People's Liberation Army (PLATT) at the Zimbabwe National Defense Staff College and National Defense. University."

President Mnangagwa commended Zimbabwe Staff College for its partnership with a number of universities in order to improve and maintain high professional academic standards.

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