The Methodist Church has cast a biblical shadow on Trump, in the heart of DC, to gass migrant children.


On November 26, US Border Patrol agents fired tear gas to arrest a group of migrants attempting to cross the US-Mexico border.

The gases created a global scandal after it was revealed that some of the victims were children.

The incident comes after the Trump administration was severely criticized for its inhumane policy that separated migrant children from their families at the US-Mexico border.

The United Methodist Church shot President Trump – right in the heart of Washington, DC – for gassing.

The United Methodist Building, which is right next to the Supreme Court and the Capitol, has put together a fun but sharp sign referring to Matthew 25: 35-36.

"I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you invited me, I needed clothes and you dressed me, I was sick and you treated me, I was in prison and you came to visit me. "- Matthew 25: 35-36

The sign of the United Methodist Church is refreshing at a time when Trump's most fervent supporters are conservative Christians. The Methodist sign is an appeal to Christians who support Trump to reconsider whether his values, especially regarding the lives of children, reflect those defended by their lord and savior.

Preview image via Mark Wilson / Getty Images.

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