A representative of a Christian organization criticizes the use by Trump administrators of tear gas against a caravan of migrants at the border


A religious organization located in Washington, DC, used its sign to send a message to President Donald Trump about the use of tear gas at the border of the United States and Mexico.

The panel, posted Monday in front of the United Methodist Building, denounced the use of tear gas against a group of migrants that Trump had called a "caravan", and who had managed to attract L & # 039; Of his supporters and media on Matthew 25:35. Part of Matthew 25:35 states: "I was a stranger and you invited me to enter."

Instead of the exact quote, the United Methodist Building wrote: "I was a stranger and you gassed me … Wait a second."

The United Methodist Building, the only non-governmental building on Capitol Hill, belongs to the General Council of Church and Society (GBCS). Located next to the Supreme Court and the Capitol, the building is used for offices of several Christian denominations.

Warren Gill, a GBCS spokesman, said Newsweek that they posted the sign showing a gap between the words of Jesus and the actions of the United States government. Gill added that welcoming travelers was central to the faithfulness of the United Methodist Church to the scriptures. In his opinion, Jesus was perfectly clear that people had to love their neighbors and protect their children.

"We have to welcome the stranger," Gill said There were barefoot babies on the US-Mexico border this weekend, and the US government threw tear gas at them.It's shocking and immoral. "

tear gas caravan migrant asset A panel placed outside the United Methodist Building used a portion of a 25:35 Matthew verse to criticize Trump's decision to use tear gas against the migrant caravan. General Council of the Church and Society

Gill said Newsweek on a recent trip to the border, he spoke with migrants and told them that they were fleeing an authentic and disturbing violence that most Americans would only see in a fiction such as Game of thrones. He added that the same people fleeing huge violence had been greeted at the US border with tear gas.

He added that the Sunday border incident had "degenerated" and blamed the power of not being up to the expectation of staying calm and lucid.

"The use of chemical weapons such as tear gas is banned in wartime," Gill said. "The use of tear gas against civilians, especially children, should also be banned, be it in Ferguson, Missouri, or along the US-Mexico border."

Although the critics were targeting Trump, a Republican, Gill explained that it was not a partisan issue for the organization, but rather a question of "living our faith." He pointed out that Democrats and Republicans had migrants in asylum -seekers situation.

On February 22, 2016, while former President Barack Obama was stationed, the church and company staff demonstrated in front of the White House. Gill said they were wearing red gloves to symbolize blood on Obama's hands during raids and deportations of undocumented immigrants.

The Trump administration has been heavily criticized for using tear gas at the border to deter thousands of people traveling with the migrant group from entering the United States.

Barbara Lee, a member of the Democratic Congress, has been described as an atrocity and a violation of human rights. She also called for sending United Nations investigators to the border.

However, Rodney Scott, chief patrol officer of the San Diego Area Border Patrol, told CNN that he had seen people throwing stones at border patrol agents without asking for any money. ;asylum. He also defended the decision to use tear gas on the grounds that agents were threatened.

"What I find unacceptable is that people are intentionally taking children into this situation," Scott said. "The caravan would push women and children forward, then start topple our agents."

On Monday, Trump urged Mexico to return people traveling with the migrant caravan to their country of origin as they would not be allowed to enter the United States. If the situation warranted it, Trump said he would close the border permanently and asked for funding for the construction of a wall along the southern border.

Since taking office, Trump has managed to turn all immigration into crisis. His words and themes have been amplified by the media.

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