3DMark's new Ray Tracing reference will be teased on December 8th


If you have one of NVIDIA's new GeForce RTX graphics cards, you can not do much with real-time raytracing other than Battlefield V (if you can even run it with RTX), but that will change soon with the new 3DMark ray tracing mark.


The new real-time 3D ray tracing marker, Port Royal, will be unveiled before its launch in January 2019 at the GALAX GOC Grand Final Overlay event in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam on August 8th. December. first in the market with a dedicated reference to real-time ray tracing for gamers, where they can (get this) test the real-time ray tracing performance of any graphics card supporting the DirectX Raytracing DXR standard from Microsoft.

UL Benchmarks explains: "Real-time ray tracing promises to bring new levels of realism to game graphics. Port Royal uses DirectX Raytracing to enhance glare, shadows, and other effects that are difficult to achieve with traditional rendering techniques. In addition to benchmarking performance, 3DMark Port Royal is a realistic and practical example of what to expect from ray tracing in the upcoming ray tracing effects running in real time at reasonable rates at a resolution of 2560 x 1440".

The real-time ray tracing benchmark has been developed with the participation of most major companies such as AMD, Intel, Microsoft and NVIDIA. We should expect to see more DXR-compatible graphics cards coming on stream in the future, with AMD's new Navi graphics processor due to be launched around June / July 2019, which could (without being guaranteed) be able to to follow the tracing of the rays in real time. It will certainly not be a high-end game, but AMD can not stay out of the game of ray tracing without ever giving NVIDIA an incredible lead in 2019 and beyond.

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