The future bride "trapped in her body" after "migraine" turns out to be a stroke


A future bride was left "stuck in her own body" after what she thought was a migraine headache that turned out to be a major stroke at the age of 23.

Ruth Haslam, now 28 years old, has a blocking syndrome, when someone is conscious and aware, but paralyzed and unable to speak, and communicates primarily with the help of technology. look, an advanced tablet communication system based on the eyes.

She was with partner Tom Whittaker, 36, only five months ago, when she collapsed in her arms one day.

She was in a coma for three weeks, had to relearn "absolutely everything" – including how to swallow saliva – and could not lift her head from a pillow for about six months after the stroke. January 2014.

Ruth, from Leeds, in West Yorkshire, spent more than a year in hospital – Tom, her support, becoming her rock – and has now announced her determination to overcome obstacles and to walk again on her wedding day.

But she said she would not marry Tom – who quit her job as a hospital gatekeeper to become her main caregiver – until she could walk in the alley.

Ruth with Tom before suffering a major stroke

She added, "I had to relearn everything after the stroke. At first I could not even swallow saliva and it took me about six months to lift my head from the pillow.

"Tom makes me laugh. He saved my life more than one way.

"We're pulling out of the mouth, but it's just our relationship. We did it before the shot, so why not now? I am always the same person inside. "

Describing her life before the stroke, Ruth explained how she had been working since the age of 14 and had landed a new job as an assistant director of a pub just days before that happened.

She added: "I worked hard, but I also enjoyed a good evening."

By mid-2013, she had started dating Tom, whom she had initially met years ago, but with whom she had lost contact after being reintroduced by mutual friends.

As Christmas approaches, she recalls having been "randomly sick" a few times – the only alarm signal of what was going to happen.

Tom left his job as a hospital gatekeeper to become Ruth's primary caregiver

"I became very pale and I was sick many times, but I was working in two different pubs, at the busiest time of the year, so I assumed that I was sick. was just decrepit, "she said.

But her life changed in an instant on January 2, 2014, when she was only 23 years old.

That morning, she and Tom had to go shopping, but she decided to take a shower and lie down before going out after waking up with what she thought was a migraine.

She recalled, "In the shower, I had to scream for Tom, because I remember collapsing in his arms, then saying," I do not know what's happening to me. "

"He carried me on the bed and a few seconds later, I chuckled and slid into consciousness.

"I remember Tom ringing an ambulance, paramedics in the room and putting on an oxygen mask. But after that, I can not remember anything.

From there, Ruth was taken to the Leeds general infirmary, where the doctors discovered she had a stroke – a serious health problem that led to the arrival of blood. in a part of the brain, usually by a clot or an exploded vessel.

In his case, the cause was a clot. She therefore underwent emergency thrombectomy by inserting a catheter into an artery via the groin and then passing a tiny device up to the brain to remove the clot.

After spending three weeks in a coma, Ruth remained at the Leeds General Infirmary until March 2014, then was transferred to Chapel Allerton Hospital, also in Leeds, for rehab.

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In the months that followed, she had to relearn everything, including swallowing saliva.

Touching, Tom said he would not go anywhere when he offered to do it in bed at his hospital in July 2014.

About her prognosis, Ruth said, "Every shot and its estimated recovery time are different, so the doctors could not give me a specific schedule, but they said it would be a marathon, not a sprint.

"I think the doctors told Tom that it was unlikely I could ever eat or drink again – but he made sure we proved them wrong.

"He brought me takeaway food in a small room at the back of the room, and six months later I ate and drank again. Now, I can eat anything. "

At Chapel Allerton Hospital, Ruth has benefited from various types of rehabilitative treatment, making progress in some areas.

Unfortunately, she remained with a blockage syndrome, which means that she can not move or talk.

However, she can still understand everything that is going on around her, which can be incredibly frustrating.

She explained, "The blockage syndrome, it's like being trapped in one's own body. I absolutely understand everything and I know more about what is happening that people do not realize.

"For example, Tom can put something in a room where I did not go and later, when he looks for it, I'll know where he is.

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A stroke occurs when blood supply to a part of the brain is interrupted, causing brain damage, disability, or death when brain cells begin to die.

The life-threatening condition requires urgent treatment, because the sooner a person receives treatment, the less likely it is to be damaged.

Treatment may include medications or even surgery. Survivors often find themselves with long-term problems caused by brain injury.

What are the symptoms?

The main symptoms can be recalled with the word "fast", says the NHS.

  • Face – the face may have fallen to one side or the person may not be able to smile
  • Arms – the person may not be able to lift both arms and hold them there due to weakness or numbness
  • Speech – their speech may be confused or confused, or they may not be able to speak at all
  • Time – dial 999 immediately if you notice any of these signs or symptoms

What are the causes?

The two main causes are ischemic (the blood supply is interrupted because of a blood clot) and hemorrhagic (a weak blood vessel supplying the brain rashes).

According to the NHS, 85% of cases are ischemic.

A "mini-stroke", called transient ischemic attack, occurs when the blood supply to the brain is temporarily interrupted. It also requires immediate treatment.

How to prevent a stroke?

High blood pressure, high cholesterol, atrial fibrillation and diabetes are factors that can increase the risk of stroke.

People can significantly reduce their risk by adopting a healthy lifestyle.

The NHS suggests eating healthy, exercising regularly, consuming alcohol sparingly, and not smoking.

"But people often think that I'm deaf, talk to me slowly or do not even recognize that I'm here. They'll ask Tom how I'm doing, but he's just telling them to ask me.

"I even fired people from my home because they asked other people about me. Nobody knows me and my body looks like me. "

Ruth finally left the hospital in February 2015 – 13 months after the stroke – after spending her birthday, her Christmas parties and other celebrations in the common room.

Today, she continues to undergo physiotherapy, speech therapy and occupational therapy treatments and has set up a GoFundMe page to help raise £ 9,500 for a special wheelchair. .

She said, "Life is beautiful now. During the weeks, it's very therapy-based, but I try not to let myself be stopped by my wheelchair.

"I go on vacation and attend many concerts, but it can be awful and annoying to be sitting in a crowd. I want to be part of it, to be able to participate in concerts when they say: "Everyone is standing". I want to get up and hug Tom and of course, I want to walk at my wedding.

"But the chair for which I created the GoFundMe page also has health benefits. This will allow me to stay upright, to sit in different positions, to improve my stamina and, in general, to help me become more independent and to achieve my therapeutic goals. . "

By sharing her story, Ruth – whose emotions were affected by the attack, which means that she can cry very easily even when she is happy – wants to offer hope and support to others in her situation.

She said, "People think of me as an inspiration and I do not really like it. I'm not – I just do what others like me do.

"I take every day as it comes. That's all I can do. Progress is slow, but I'm going in the right direction.

"I would tell others to keep smiling because you can do it, even if it takes a lot of time. It is helpful to join support groups where you can ask questions and share tips to help each other.

"Tom has always been my rock. I do not know where I would be without him.

Click here to donate to GoFundMe.

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