Tanzania seeks out-of-court settlement of some cases in international courts: official – Brinkwire


DAR ES SALAAM, June 18 (Xinhua) – Tanzania is seeking an out-of-court settlement of some cases against the government in international courts, the country's judicial authorities said on Tuesday.

Adelardus Kilangi, the Attorney General, told Parliament that the government's goal was to reduce the costs of managing prosecutions.

He told the House that the government was doing everything possible to avoid lawsuits when preparing contracts with investors, contractors and suppliers.

He made these remarks during the interrogation of Saed Kubenea, MP for Ubungo constituency, about the measures taken by the government to handle cases in international courts after it was sued for termination of contract.

Kubenea also wanted the government to explain why some public institutions still used private sector lawyers despite the 2018 amendments to the Attorney General's Office Act, under which all public service lawyers were placed under its control. responsibility.

In response, Kilangi said some public institutions had already signed agreements with private sector lawyers before the amendments. They must respect signed agreements.

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