Panorama – Political inaction on sustainable energy policies to blame for lack of progress


Renewable energy is more powerful than the world Renewables 2019 Global Status Report (GSR), released this week.

The report confirms that for the fourth consecutive year, more than 100 gigawatts (GW) of solar PV alone was added in 2018, enough to meet more than 25 percent of electricity demand in France .

A lack of ambitious and sustained policies to drive decarbonisation across the heating, cooling and transportation sectors are not maximizing the benefits of the transition – including cleaner air and energy security – for their people.

"A key breakthrough could include countries with fossil fuel subsidies which are propping up dirty energy" said Rana Adib, Executive Secretary, REN21.

Ambitious policy and regulatory frameworks are critical to creating favorable and competitive conditions, allowing renewable energy to grow and displace more expensive and carbon-emitting fuels. Forty countries have made certain levels of fossil fuel subsidy reform since 2015, but these subsidies have been granted to countries with a total of USD 100 million each. Estimated total global subsidies for fossil fuel consumption were USD 300 billion in 2017, an 11% increase from 2016.

The Report finds:

Solar PV and wind are now mainstream options in the power sector. Over 90 countries had more than 1 GW of renewable energy capacity and 30 countries had more than 10 GW. At least 9% of the energy generated by solar PV and wind. (These are: Denmark, Uruguay, Ireland, Germany, Portugal, Spain, Greece, UK, Honduras.)

Global renewable energy uptake no longer depends on just a few countries. In 2018 the European Union's roll-out of the European Union's roll-out of the European Union's roll-out is slightly higher than the previous year. This shows renewable energy is a strong, global powerhouse.

Are are are becoming becoming becoming becoming becoming becoming becoming,,,,,,,,,,, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most adop most adop most adop most adop most adop ambitious adop In numerous cases, these commitments and actions to be exceeded national and state / provincial initiatives. More than 100 cities (ranging from Nairobi / Kenya and Dar es Salaam / Tanzania to Auckland / NZ, Stockholm / Sweden and Seattle / USA) use at least 70% renewable electricity, and at least 50 cities , heating and cooling, and transport.

There is a huge opportunity for expanding the transition to heating, cooling and transport sectors. Renewables supply more than 26 percent of global electricity, but they provide only 10 percent of the energy used for heating and cooling and just over 3 percent for transport. This imbalance between energy sectors is largely due to insufficient or unstable policy support. The number of countries with a policy for renewables in heat.

Despite insufficient support, initiatives in transport, heating and cooling are implemented. Sustainable biofuels, EVs and fuel economy policies are reducing overall fossil fuel dependency in the transport sector. Ambitious policies, such as Brazil's 27 percent blending mandate for ethanol and California's Low Carbon Fuel Standard Program, renewables' contribution to the transport sector. Heating and cooling policies, renewable heat incentives and mandates, and indirect approaches like carbon pricing. Carbon pricing remains acutely under-used. By the end of 2018, only 44 national governments, 21 states / provinces and 7 cities had implemented carbon pricing policies, just 13% of global CO2 emissions

"Said the REN21 Chair, Arthouros" The REN21 Chair, Arthouros Zervos.

REN21 is a global network that provides high-quality, up-to-date information to shape the energy debate. It consists of a global community of players from governments, inter-governmental and non-governmental organizations, industry, science and academia and is committed to a sustainable energy future.

First published in 2005, the GSR provides a comprehensive overview of what is happening in the renewable energy sector. This year's report focuses on 2018 developments and trends by markets, investments, and policies worldwide. Now in its 15th year, this annual report has become the industry standard for renewables. It is built on data and information provided by REN21's network of more than 900 contributors world-wide. Collectively, the information is used to shape debates to push thinking and action on renewables.

For additional information:


Infographics, Figures, National and Regional Fact Sheets

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