Tanzania: possible verification of tax stamps via mobile phone


Simiyu – Businesses and individuals can check the authenticity of a tax stamp on various products using their smartphone, the government said.

This measure aims to ensure that only products bearing genuine stamps reach the market, while the government is striving to strengthen revenue collection through the use of Electronic Revenue Stamps (ETS).

The Commissioner for Policy Analysis at the Ministry of Finance and Planning, Mr. Mgonya Benedicto, told The Citizen yesterday that the decision to allow individuals and businesses to check the "tax return" is a good idea. The authenticity of product tax stamps was intended to control unscrupulous manufacturers and traders. by posting fake stamps on their products, a development that robbed the government of a lot of money.

"Everyone with a smartphone will be able to check if the stamp embedded in the product is valid and comes from TRA.This will control counterfeit stamps and thus increase government revenue through various taxes", did he declare.

The government embarked on the use of the ETS system last year to obtain real-time production data from manufacturers.

This measure helps the government limit income losses and determine the amount of taxes to be paid in advance.

Until now, the ETS system, set up by a Swiss company, Industrial and Commercial Food Company (SICPA), has registered many benefits for the government. The TRA said that the recent increase in tax revenue was partly due. Mr. Godfrey Kumwembe said yesterday that, according to the Tanzanian government, an education and tax services provided by the Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA) to taxpayers.

"With the ETS, we are able to know the actual production rate and the tax rate," he told reporters at the Nyakabindi site during the exhibitions. current farmers, commonly known as Nane Nane.

The government rolled out phase two (2) Electronic Revenue Stamps (ETS) on Thursday, August 1, 2019.

Edwin Mhede, Commissioner-General for TRA, recently announced in a newspaper that according to Regulation 29 of ETS 2018, the second phase of the project would be rolled out to products such as sweetened or flavored water and other non-alcoholic beverages. alcoholic. exclusion of vegetable juices falling within tariff heading 20.09 according to the classifications of the tax collector.

"The date is announced well in advance, in accordance with the provisions of Rule 29 of the Electronic Revenue Stamp Regulations 2018 and stipulates that the specified products must include all locally manufactured or imported products …", a he declared.

He added that TRA will announce the ETS deployment date on other articles that have not yet been announced later.

Items will include fruit or vegetable juices, water, movies and music.

"TRA thanks all the taxpayers for the support and cooperation provided during the implementation of phase I," he said.

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