A Jewish BDS activist expelled from Israel


Screenshot of Facebook screen.

Ironically, a prominent Jewish boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) activist has been expelled from Israel and is now complaining about it.

The activist, co-director of Code Pink, Ariel Gold, said: Facebook that she was fired from Ben Gurion Airport and sent back to New York. She claimed that she hoped to immerse herself in Judaic studies, however, according to the Times of Israel, Israeli officials believe that she only comes to the country to advance the BDS cause.

"Whoever acts for a boycott of Israel The Minister of Public Security, Gilad Erdan, tweeted.

In an editorial of The Forward, Gold stood behind his support for BDS" as a way non-violent to reach a fair and "At no time of my interrogation at Ben Gurion airport, I was even questioned about the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement," Gold writes. "I was asked about the organization CODEPINK, of which I am the national co-director, and which supports the BDS, but this is only after asking me about filming soldiers and the knowledge of the Palestinians. "

She also accused Israel of According to the Canary Islands mission, Gold was arrested for taking part in violent Palestinian riots and preventing people from entering the political action committee. Israel in Israel. (AIPAC). Gold also took a picture of herself and another Code Pink member with a #BoycottIsrael banner at the Western Wall.

Gold also stated that she taught her children that Zionism is "a racist ideology rooted in ethnic cleansing". ] In January, Israel released a list of 20 BDS organizations that were blacklisted to enter Israel. Among these, there is the Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP), and Gold is an organizer for them.

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