A new UFO video claims to capture a TR-3B, an alien spacecraft with the reverse design


A new UFO video claims to capture a TR-3B, an alien spacecraft with the reverse design

Adapted from Screenshot: YouTube / UFO Today

The people of UFO Today, a YouTube channel devoted to alleged foreign viewing videos, recently contacted Outer Places. Their latest video, titled "Why is the TR3B UFO still surrounded by thunderstorms?" claims to show a type of plane called "TR-3B" hovering near a thunderstorm. According to them, the video was shot last Thursday (November 22) by a certain Allan Diablo. Here is the video:

So … we have what appears to be a vaguely triangular form in the middle of a storm. There seems to be another form as dark in the distance (right), which suggests that "the plane" is actually a projected shadow on the clouds. If you're wondering what is a TR-3B (or if you just want a clearer transcription of what the narrator says), here's what you need to do:

"The TR-3B is a type of plane supposed to be redesigned from an alien plane that crashed on Earth." Scientists were able to recreate the technology used by aliens to travel around the world. The question remains whether the objects we are witnessing were man-made or are actually extraterrestrial. "

Rumors and observations of "black triangles" have been going on for years and have been identified with a supposed experimental spacecraft called the TR-3B Astra, which has never been confirmed as real. Anyway, we doubt that the blurred image captured in the video above is an airplane (or a spaceship). Like previous UFO sightings during the storm, it is probably of poor video quality and a strange lighting.

If you're looking for more convincing images of aliens and alien ships, take a look at this Project Blue Book interview with an alien or the video of a spaceship zooming around Santa Clarita. Just know that these are hoaxes recognized by the digital artist Aristomenis Tsirbas, who has already worked on the new Star Trek movies. Amazing what you can do with computers.

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