A phone with 16 lenses? LG is crazy (like a fox)


Patent talk: a phone with 16 lenses? LG is crazy (like a fox)

Credit: US Patent 10,135,963

A patent has been filed with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) entitled "Mobile Terminal and Handheld Control Method" which, beyond the rather dull title, proposes a set of exciting powers to the smartphone.

LG Electronics offers no less than 16 camera lenses on a single smartphone. As such, all kinds of doors open for those who want to play like crazy with visual options.

Observers Engadget seemed to flip over on his chairs when he heard about the patent pending that had been seen by LetsGoDigital. "LG imagines a smartphone with no less than 16 camera lenses."

Chaim Gartenberg, The edge, stated that "the purpose of the multiple cameras seems to be to offer different angles on a scene using the perspective of different lenses".

So, no triple, quad or penta camera, but a hexadecimal camera, panting LetsGoDigital.

In the smartphone design of their vision, you can create scenes from multiple perspectives in one shot. You can be as creative (and manipulative) as you've always dreamed about, sticking pictures and more.

Gartenberg to The edge examined the points of contact of the patent and indicated that he would be able to use "the different data sets of the different lenses to cut out elements of the image (for example for the portrait or portrait mode). even the full replacement of a background) ".

Steve Dent to Engadget offered examples of "moving someone's head or replacing it completely".

Notebookcheck think that LG's concept as a development "could revolutionize 3D photography and similar functions".

Dierdre O 'Donnell said: "For example, this could allow you to select and edit a single part of a given image in all these dimensions without having moved the phone beforehand."

Dent says the design involves a 4×4 matrix. Sean Keane from CNET talked about this 4 x 4 matrix design and what it all means. "The lenses would be arranged in a four-by-four die, each placed at a certain curvature to allow you to take pictures from multiple perspectives or combine them to create the desired shot."

So, in the smartphone market, is it getting a little crazy, where smartphone vendors have to outdo themselves? And is the battle of brands mainly about visuals, cameras and image quality? Steve Dent was aiming for the mark Engadget: "Just like the megapixel race of many years ago, smartphone makers are trying to capture the interest of more and more annoyed consumers by adding more cameras, it seems."

If you think LG is getting a little crazy, you have company. Nevertheless, LG has enough talent in photography to act like a fox. JC Torres in SlashGear: "You may think that LG has gone too far and you are not mistaken, but LG has naturally thought about this issue – at least what to apply a patent – in a word, these 16 cameras will work together to offer angles of the same subject, you can choose the best angle you want or, better yet, create a moving image from the different combined views. "

Patent ideas may never see the light of day, but it is fascinating to think that LG Electronics may be running on a smartphone camera with so many lenses. PhoneArenaMilen Yanachkov is not at all surprised that LG thinks in the direction of the 16 goals. "It would not be an exaggeration to think that LG could try to add more cameras to its phones, and there is already a portable camera with 16 lenses (and sensors) on the market called Light L16. . "

Gartenberg The edgesaid: "With the ever fiercer battle to push the phone cameras to the limit, it may only be a matter of time before the hex camera is a reality."

Keane, from CNET, discussed the patent discussion about "a screen and a speaker on the back of the phone, allowing the latter to create stereo sound".

Well, you can not captivate everyone. You can not even please them. A number of negative comments on various sites could be summarized as "at sea". "Waste of resources." "If they spent so much time on the drums, that would be nice."

At first glance: the LG V40 ThinQ smartphone has five cameras, but do you really need it?

More information:
Mobile terminal and control method for the mobile terminal, United States Patent No. 10,135,963.

© 2018 Science X Network

Patent talk: a phone with 16 lenses? LG is crazy (like a fox) (November 27, 2018)
recovered on November 27, 2018
from https://techxplore.com/news/2018-11-patent-lens-lg-crazy-fox.html

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