A resurfacing of Andy Dick touching Ivanka Trump's legs


A few days after Andy Dick was charged with a sexual offense, images resurfaced of the comedian with Ivanka Trump on "Jimmy Kimmel Live".

In the 2007 clip, Dick, now 52, ​​rubs Trump's legs.

Trump, who is now impeccably trained by the media, now 36 years old, is seen spreading her hand while keeping a smile, then squeezing her arms away from her.

"Did I say that I am single?" She joked to Kimmel, "I meant that I had a boyfriend."

At one point, Kimmel gets up physically and pushes Dick away from Trump, warning: "Donald Trump would kill us both."

When Kimmel sits, Ivanka tells him "Before coming to the show, I think my dad made you promise to defend my honor. And that's before we know that Andy would be with me! "

Dick then reaches his ponytail, to which Kimmel says playfully but firmly:" Andy, you promised that you would behave yourself. "

The episode was first aired, Kimmel told Extra that Dick was" out of it. "

" [Ivanka] came out … he wanted a big, wet kiss, "Kimmel added." It was time for Andy to leave, so I escorted him by his feet. "

Kimmel also said that Dick was not upset or even apologetic, just" nutty " … It always makes me a little uncomfortable. You have no idea what he will do next. "

Dick remembered himself in December 2017.

" The time I "groped" Trump's daughter, Ivanka, on "Jimmy Kimmel Live", subtitled a screen shot from the episode on Instagram. His legs glittered and I tried to see if the glitter would disappear. I also thought wrongly that she would take me out with me. I was joked about security. Someone will he carry Trump? No kidding.

Last week, Dick was charged with a minor misdemeanor and battery offense for allegedly fumbling with a woman's butt and making obscene comments on a LA sidewalk.

In October 2017, Dick denied allegations of groping and sexually harassing actors and crew members on the set of the independent film "Raising Buchanan", claiming that he had taken too much Xanax and that he "was just trying to get an appointment".

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