A Tanzanian weekly states that the government ignores the court order to lift the ban


A Tanzanian weekly on Sunday accused the government of ignoring a court decision allowing it to resume publication two years after being banned for "publication of incentives and false news".

The East African Court of Justice said Tanzania must immediately reverse the publication ban imposed on the Mseto newspaper after it published allegations that President John Magufuli's successful election campaign in 2015 had been partly funded by corruption.

The Ministry of Information must still cancel the ban has not "violated the public interest, or the interest of peace and order" and that the ban is "in violation of the right to freedom of expression."

The newspaper's owner, Saed Kubenea – who is also an opposition MP – accused the government in a press conference of "deliberately delaying the implementation of the decision".

Attorney Fulgence Massawe, who represented Mseto, they stated that they would file an application demanding the immediate execution of the judgment.

There was no immediate response from the Tanzanian authorities.

Since his election, Magufuli has closed several critical newspapers while rights groups have protested against the imposition of new restrictions The pressure group Reporters Without Borders has ranked Tanzania 93rd out of 180 countries in the world in 2018 according to the World Press Freedom Index, down 10 places from the previous year.

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