Adobe Photoshop on iPad? This artist from 'Hotel Transylvania 3 & # 39; is ready for the revolution


Lizzie Nichols tells me that she is slightly insulted that painting programs like Procreate are stuffed under "Entertainment" on the iPad App Store.

I can not say that I blame her. Nichols is one of the visual development artists at Transylvania Hotel 3: Summer Vacation of Sony Pictures Animation, who hit the cinemas late last week and has always been laudatory for his art and his animation. Art is her profession – in particular, painting environments and props that inform 3D designers what production should look like, as well as painting characters – and she does it well. She worked on the previous film Hotel Transylvania and her long list of credits includes The Emoji Movie Smurfs: The Lost Village Futurama with Independent Work for the Lovers from Disney Television and Cartoon Network. And she does almost everything with Adobe Photoshop on a Mac Pro with a Wacom Cintiq Companion screen

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From the design of the environment and accessories to painting characters, Nichols contact can be found in most of Hotel Transylvania 3 .

But that could soon change. At about the same time that Hotel Transylvania 3 began to light up money screens, Adobe confirmed that it would finally bring a full version of Photoshop to the iPad next year. And now, for the first time, Nichols plans to make the iPad Pro an essential part of his workflow.

"If the iPad was able to faithfully reproduce the use of Photoshop on my Mac with a Cintiq" ", then I would probably use the iPad much more than my Cintiq Companion .

When Nichols says "faithfully replicate," she means all . All the rest would be insufficient.

"Photoshop is the perfect way to achieve all my works, so the more I can access, the better," she says. "The ideal thing would be to be able to release Photoshop with my iPad and be able to work away from my office or my home studio, without losing the functionality of Photoshop on my desktop."

  hotel transylvania 3 lizzie nichols layout Sony Pictures Animation

An example of how Lizzie explains to 3D modelers how much the settings should look like. (Note the date of Halloween: if appropriate!)

This means that Adobe must even make sure that its keyboard shortcuts make the transition intact, because Nichols finds that they help to keep it's workflow "fast and efficient." With Apple's Finder, they're also a big part of why she prefers the Apple's ecosystem on Windows because she finds that the latter is ruining her groove by suggesting tools every time she touches the Alt key.

The absence of Photoshop is also what is kept her from taking the iPad seriously. She has had an iPad Pro since 2016, but she found it "more amateur-oriented." She never entertained any illusions that it would replace her office setup or at least provide an alternative. times, the inclusion of Procreate by Apple in "Entertainment" has done little to break this perception.

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The young Van Helsing painted by Nichols.

a real pro-an Apple-loving who could easily be the star of one of those commercials "Behind the Mac" Apple is airing now-and she does not clearly believe the iPad Pro deserves her name . This is a problem.

"I saw it as a fancy toy with potentially fun painting applications, with which I could perhaps do digital painting ," she says.

A decade in the making

But let's go back. How on earth do we have this conversation in 2018? It is clearly not power: we know that iPad Pros are more powerful than many laptops for years. It is surely not a slowness of Google to develop for Apple: Photoshop has been a staple of Mac since its release in 1990. Heck, I know people who even think that Apple the fact.

Maybe it's not a mistake that the news of Adobe fell a few days after a multitude of outlets – including Macworld – flew away. part by putting in the palm of the hand applications that were once chained to desktops.

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Some images of the application Tinder-like view in the film.

This reminds us that this revolution occurred in part because of the enthusiastic adoption of the iPhone and the iPad by third-party applications. Adobe Photoshop, in particular, has never been one of those. Of course you can find the Adobe Photoshop Express and Adobe Photoshop Mix sweetened, but for those who are familiar with the reality, using them was like listening to someone claiming that the Statue of Liberty visit on the Strip of Las Vegas real thing.

It's time. It was summer time. This will be especially the time when the new iPads will come out because they are virtually guaranteed to have more powerful chips. As a lot of digital ink has been prevalent on this topic over the weekend, I still do not think people completely understand how revolutionary a full version of Photoshop on the iPad Pro could be. With applications like Photoshop available, settling for an iPad seems even more appealing than it already is.

A pencil for your thoughts

Let's go back to Lizzie. It's a pro, and despite all that I think of the revolution, she knows better than to expect a completely seamless transition. It's a wise attitude, considering that I've found myself missing the Pro iPad with some of the simplest professional tasks.

For one, she fears that the Apple Pencil – for all that she admires about her weight and overall design – of Wacom's stylus.

  hotel transylvania 3 lizzie nichols concept Sony Pictures Animation

More Lizzie concept art.

"It would be great if the Apple Pencil had some kind of clickable button on the Wacom pen, which I could adjust according to the function I wanted," she says. "I still have my Wacom stylus buttons set to Option and Right Click.This allows me to save time on my Cintiq and currently there is not really any way to do it with the Apple Pencil. "

It's not too hot on the smooth, glassy surface of the iPad Pro, whether it's laminated or not.

"This is not a big deal," she says, "but when I draw my iPad to my Cintiq, I can really feel the slight dent of the Cintiq screen and that makes a difference .

But the announcement of Apple also makes the difference. She tells me that if she had been on the fence about getting an iPad Pro before, the announcement of Adobe would "definitely" convince her to get it. a. Judging by the reception I've seen on social networks in recent days, she's far from the only one.

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submarines from Hotel Transylvania 3 .

Apple spends a lot of time demonstrating just how wonderful its products are for creative types, but in the case of an iPad, up to here it was only an ideal to fight towards. In reality, it was imperfect at best. But Photoshop on the iPad? And maybe Illustrator later? That's enough for any creative professional to be excited about the iPad again.

For Lizzie, it is a sign that the good parties are once again listening to creative professionals. Nichols says that Adobe and Apple listen to people who use their products to make a living, "so I'm cautiously optimistic that Adobe and Apple will do things right."

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