Africa: Dar First Stop for the project & Lighting Africa & # 39;


A Chinese clean energy company, Hanergy Thin-Film Power Group, launched the "Lighting Africa" ​​project and selected Tanzania as the first stop.

The project dubbed "humbrella" implemented in the form of corporate social responsibility for peace and development and the Tanzania-China Friendship Association.

To launch the project, the company promised to donate the first 100 humbrelles in October. The Humbrella, according to the cabinet, converts the sun and stores up to 4,000 mAh of electricity.

The Minister of International Department of the Communist Party of China, Song Tao said, they hope that more NGOs, businesses and individuals can join the cause of "We hope that the project" Lighting Africa "could be a success at its first stop in Tanzania," said Minister Song.

The product is not only efficient, but also environmentally friendly as it exploits the production of thin-film solar energy to directly convert solar energy into electricity by replacing diesel generators, thus achieving "zero emission" energy.

During the launch, the company demonstrated Humbrella in a fully lit state. Minister Song, president of the Chilean Friendship Association of China, Dr. Salim Ahmed Salim, sales directors of Hanergy Kenya Li Chuan and Zhang Xu

700 local residents of Kagera as well as teachers and students from Oysterbay primary school in Dares Salaam. Giving Humbrella, Hanergy's flagship product, Mr. Li Chuan, general sales manager at Hanergy in Kenya, said they were committed to ensuring Africa's overall development.

"We are confident that the Humbrella will surely enlighten the lives of African children and facilitate the rapid development of Africa." This is only the beginning of Hanergy's philanthropy in Africa. . "We are ready to bring more Humbrella to the African continent," he added.

& # 39; Lighting Africa & # 39; is a philanthropic project initiated by Hanergy and joined by the Foundation for Peace and Development in China in April. User-friendly lighting devices for African children to improve their reading time and help the private electricity populations in Africa.

Humbrella weighs only 8.8 kilograms and 2.7 meters in diameter and is covered with thin-film solar panels, available for the production of electricity. sunny and cloudy days.

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