Africa: Ethiopia is preparing to launch its first space satellite


According to the latest development of Ethiopia's space ambitions, the country is expected to launch its first Earth Observatory satellite in September 2019. Addis Ababa will use this satellite to collect data on the evolution of climate and environmental phenomena. weather.

Representatives from the Chinese and Ethiopian space agencies met early in the year to advance discussions on technology transfer and sign cooperation agreements on space activities. The envisaged Earth Observation satellite capsule will cost US $ 8 million for design and construction. China will assume $ 6 million of this cost. The satellite will be launched from China, but the command and control center will be based in Ethiopia.

Dr. Solomon Belay Tessema, scientist and general director of the Ethiopian Institute of Space Science and Technology of the University of Addis Ababa, said in a statement that the launch had two main objectives: " The first is: [to] strengthen the technological capabilities and skills of our engineers through collaborations with scientists and institutions from different countries specializing in space, so that they are able to design, build and launch the second satellite independently. The second is the direct support that the first satellite brings to social and economic development in terms of saving money currently spent by the country on the purchase of data, such as climate data. "

"Most of the preliminary and critical design is done by our scientists," he added.

In addition to financial support, China will also provide training and facilitate all aspects of the launch of the satellite.

Tessema said of Ethiopian engineers involved in launching and designing the first satellite in their country: "We use a home-based strategy, which involves engineers and local students at the master's and PhD level to be part of science and applications of technology and knowledge transfer. "

This is the latest in a series of expansions of space ambitions in Ethiopia. Last year, a multi-million dollar astronomical observatory, funded by private funds, was launched in the Entoto Hills overlooking Addis Ababa to allow Ethiopia to observe the sky of the northern and southern hemispheres.

The role of China

China is deepening continually on the African scene. Cementing its role in the space sector and providing space mapping services is part of the Beijing Global Belts and Roads Initiative, Chinese state-run space companies, and Chinese private companies selling China-made satellites in China. abroad.

Its technology transfers to Africa are under consideration, with experts warning that digital systems could be used for intelligence operations and electronic surveillance in Beijing, while Ethiopia could use the satellite to boost its military and intelligence capabilities. monitoring.

African Space Policy

The African Union has put in place an African Space Policy which provides for the establishment of a continental program on outer space and the adoption of a framework for using satellite communications for progress. economic.

The report of the second ordinary session of the meeting of the Specialized Technical Committee on Education, Science and Technology (STC-EST) indicated that "The Strategy for Science, Technology and Innovation for Africa (STISA 2024) is an important intervention for the use of science, technology and innovation In order to address the priorities of the continent, it is clear that space science and technology is an important tool for ensuring 39 sustainable use of natural resources and the creation of high-technology industrial sectors, as well as a significant contribution to the creation of enabling environments.A formal space sector will help Africa to realize the vision of Africa. A peaceful, united and prosperous continent. "

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