Africa: Resistance to genetically modified seeds in Africa


Modified seeds in a laboratory are often seen as a way to boost agriculture and food security in Africa. There is some resistance on the continent and a debate about the preservation of its traditional seed base.

Ghana recently organized a conference focused on the issue of seed varieties of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) compared to the main crops of the continent. 19659003] The discussion on the increasing commercialization of food and agriculture, the diversity of cultures, food as an element of culture and identity and the maintenance of food needs without going to GMO agriculture. Togo, South Africa and Zimbabwe were held in Tamale city in the north of the country, in the heart of a region of Ghana where agriculture is a driving force behind the country. local economy

. Bt cotton genetically modified insect resistant – despite intensive lobbying, often by GMO seed suppliers, multinational giants.

Food Sovereign [1] 9659007] Sulemana Abdullai, chairman of the board of the African Biodiversity Network (ABN), said that GMOs are not a sure way of it go.

"There is not much evidence suggesting that genetically modified crops are doing better." On the contrary, it is shown with indigenous production methods and production systems, because of their ability to planting more than one crop using locally adapted seeds. "

Farmers who use traditional seeds actually own most of what they produce, he argued. "They are sovereign food."

Supporting dietary diversity through the use of traditional seeds is possible in Africa, said Ridwan Mohammed of the Institute for Sustainable Development (ISD), a nongovernmental organization working with Ethiopian farmers. "When we talk about diversity, it's not the diversity of crops, there is a diversity of diets, so once our farmers have diversity of crops, especially local crops, they will have a diet diversified, which is good for "

" We continue to promote this, working closely with our farmers on the benefits of preserving and conserving these traditional seed varieties. "

Takalani Mashudu, l & # 39, one of the activists who attended the conference, warned that traditional seeds are already endangered in his native country, South Africa and Togo.

"In general, in Africa the South, we use GMOS, which is not really good for our health. the hat is gone and gone. In its literature on GMOs, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) says that the transfer of allergenic genes in different crops can cause dangerous reactions in people suffering from GMOs. Allergies

. Concerns about the negative impact of a few farm businesses on small farmers around the world have also been raised, according to the agency.

According to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) market dominance by some agricultural societies, having a negative impact on small farmers around the world have been increased

Interference with culture

FAO also cites the transfer of allergenic genes in different crops, causing dangerous reactions in people with allergies. Read more: Does glyphosate cause cancer? Monsanto herbicide trials take shape in the United States

In Africa, Monsato – an American agricultural and agrochemical biotechnology company Mshudu told DW how GMOs have interfered with native culture in places where it can be found. Agriculture is often linked to beliefs and practices.

"We can not really be the world's biggest seller of seeds and pesticides. Communicate with our ancestors using GMO seeds because the seeds do not know the land. There are chemicals that have been used to help the seeds grow, so we really need to use the local seeds that the ancestors know, "says Mashudu to DW.

Mashudu says that" there is no need for seeds to grow. using GMO cereals, it's like talking to ancestors.

Small Farmers Feeding the World

Hardi Tijani, Head of the Ghana Non-Governmental Organization Regional Information and Network Systems (RAINS), who works with marginalized communities, accepted.Culture without food is not culture.So when you lose your food, you lose your identity.So yes, we can talk about the increase of the production, but we must also recognize that people around Africa are very passionate about their culture, "said Tijani

. Agriculture is considered a commercial enterprise.

According to the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), small farmers in Asia and sub-Saharan Africa are the main producers of food, accounting for up to 80% of the food consumed.

Read more: Access to technologies for food security

The advent of genetically modified foods, with the release of a delayed maturing tomato, there are more than twenty years, has turned into cash crops such as corn, soybeans, canola and cotton

Many developed countries are seeing a growing trend to abandon GMO crops for organic farming.

Sophie Mbugua and Benita van Eyssen contributed to this report

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