Africa wants some of the BRICS action


JOHANNESBURG – African leaders attending the BRICS embarked on an investment charity offensive, saying the continent was open to business.

African leaders face many socio-economic challenges

At the BRICS-Africa Dialogue of the 10th BRICS Summit in Johannesburg last week, African leaders asked the BRICS block to finance industrialization , among other measures. The BRICS Heads of State have declared themselves ready to make Africa an effective player in world affairs in trade and investment.

27-07-18 Russian President Vladimir Putin, Brazilian President Michel Temer and President Cyril Ramaphosa, Chinese President Xi Jinping and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the Closing Day of the 10th BRICS Summit Sandton Convention Center in Johannesburg, Gauteng. Photo: Itumeleng English / African News Agency (ANA)

The summit was held under the theme "BRICS in Africa: Collaboration for Inclusive Growth and Shared Prosperity in the Fourth Industrial Revolution".

Rwandan President Paul Kagame, as President of the AU, said he wants to strengthen partnerships with the BRICS countries – Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa – and expand the opportunities for Employment for the continent's youth population

"We want to collaborate on industrialization, infrastructure development and peace and security." He said the African Continental Free Trade Area would change so much. positive how Africa was doing business with itself and with the rest of the world

an AU that will improve governance and cooperation with partners around the world. "

27-07- 18 Security personnel at each corner of the Sandton Convention Center closing the 10th summit summit of BRICS Summit, Gauteng. Photo: Itumeleng English / African News Agency (ANA)

Kagame said that interest in cooperation between Africa and the BRICS was palpable and assured the bloc of the continent's willingness to further dialogue.

According to the 2018 African Economic Outlook, real growth of African production percent in 2017, compared to 4.1% in 2016 and accelerate to reach 4.1% in 2018 and 2019.

"In together, the recovery in growth has been faster than expected, especially in non-resource intensive economies, highlighting the resilience of Africa, Malawi's President, Peter Mutharika, said the continent needed to partners and strong allies to be the "giant of the world".

He said that BRICS countries should invest in the infrastructure of developing economies. 19659002] "We hope that the new development bank will support Malawi's investment program and we are ready to do business with the rest of the world to stimulate the economy and create viable economic investments." we need investment and infrastructure financing, "said Mutharika

.Nibian President Hage Geingob said that Africa was counting on BRICS support to overcome its challenges, adding: "Africa has strong, reliable and reliable partners, and in our efforts to move forward, we need partners to support Africa."

President of Senegal Macky Sall, chairman of Nepad's Heads of State and Government Steering Committee, said that Africa was looking for a partnership "We want a hands-on collaboration on agriculture, agriculture and agriculture. Infrastructure, energy e, finance and investment, "he said.

Sall said that the Development Bank's financial assistance would help the continent achieve its strategic development goals. shared prosperity

27-07-18 Security personnel at every corner of the Sandton Convention Center where the closing of the 10th BRICS Summit, Gauteng, took place. Photo: Itumeleng English / African News Agency (ANA)
Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni said that BRICS countries could find investment opportunities in East Africa in sectors such as dairy products, fruits, beverages and minerals. The Gabonese president and president of the Economic Community of Central African States, Ali Bongo Ondimba, said the economic bloc offered real prospects for investment in energy reserves.

He said the area was rich in natural resources.

"The resources are there, the potential is there.We are ready to enter into a win-win partnership with BRICS.We have been shown the way, sit down and talk for the sake of our future and our children" Ondimba said Zimbabwean President Emmerson Mnangagwa said the summit's theme was in line with his country's aspirations

He welcomed the "many opportunities for cooperation offered by the BRICS countries in Zimbabwe" [19659002] "Zimbabwe is determined to go beyond development and growth. We have started to industrialize and modernize certain sectors of the economy such as agribusiness, financial services and ICTs, "he said.

Zimbabwe was also ready to strengthen cooperation in mineral beneficiation. Mnangagwa hailed the BRICS countries as champions of multilateralism that have ensured the interests of developing countries for years. "Better days are waiting for us all in a future we build in solidarity, and I want to assure you that all measures have been taken for peaceful, transparent and credible elections."

Zimbabweans to vote today in presidential, parliamentary and local elections.

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