African-Americans Cried Terrible Photographic Images of Servant Africans | Travel News


African-Americans traveling to Tanzania to discover the roots of their ancestors cried after seeing the horrific photographic images of enslaved Africans in the Slave Prison of Zanzibar.

A group of 36 African-Americans visited the Zanzibar slave market where they encountered a hideous face of slavery in Africa, prompting them to become watery.

In the historical prison island popularly known as Changuu Island which lies 30 minutes by boat from Unguja, one has kept a terribly horrible record of slavery . The Arab World and the Inland of Africa

The island was once used by an Arab trader to contain the more difficult slaves that he had bought in mainland Africa to prevent their escape before shipping them to Arab buyers or auctioning them to Zanzibar. market.

"Today we visited the slave market and the dungeon in Zanzibar, where they have very rare photographic images of enslaved Africans, slave traders and markets. have kept a terribly horrible record of slavery in Africa.We prayed and cried on the place where our ancestors suffered and pledged to do more, "says Dominique DiPrima

Parks Adventure, the travel company behind the trip says that the trip, the first of its kind in Tanzania, will allow Africans – Americans explore the history of their ancestors through places, objects and tastes.

African Americans say that they are passionate about bridging the cultural divides by "coming home" to explore their heritage and fill a personal void. "Just as America was founded by immigrants, we hold our ancestral heritage proch e and dear is why we seek to learn more about the lands of our ancestors, "said Mrs. Betty Arnold, chief of African-American tourists . -Turbonews in northern Tanzania, capital of Arusha safari.

Mrs. Arnold says that their first seven – day trip from Arusha to Zanzibar is not a real hobby tour; it was rather the community involvement where they learned, shared dollars and other fortunes with a poor community.

"In addition to our key mission of discovering the roots of our ancestors, we came to spend money to contribute to the well-being of our parents," says Arnold.

The group spent nearly three hours singing and crying with a polygamous old man, ole Mapi, where they not only enjoyed interacting with him and his family, but also giving him solar lights and school materials. to 244 students in his own primary school.

A 108-year-old man, Laibon Ole Mapi, probably the most revered Maasai polygamist, happily runs his own multi-monogamous home in modern times near Manyara National Park. the touristic circuit of the north of the country

A native giant, black but humble, is proudly husband of 44 women and father of about 80 children and grandfather of hundreds of grandchildren. 659002] General Manager of Parks Adventure, the man behind the trip, Mr Don Ndibalema said; "Tanzania has a myriad of tourist attraction.The history of the slave trade is one of them.The product market is very important, considering the number of African-Americans who are looking to discover their roots ".


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