African Court holds seminars for ECOWAS |


The African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights has set up a mechanism to equip two states of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), the Republic of Sierra Leone and Liberia to deepen the understanding of continental courts. The African Court team led by its president, Judge Sylvain Ore, will visit Sierra Leone from 2 to 3 August; and Liberia from 6 to 7 August.

The team will organize seminars for human rights defenders in both countries and will make courtesy visits to the respective presidents, foreign ministers, ministers of justice, presidents Constitutional Courts,

Justice Ore told the Ghana News Agency in an interview that the ECOWAS outreach mission is part of the African Court's ongoing efforts to interact with different stakeholders in order to Encourage states. He said that the African Court has begun engaging continental stakeholders to encourage states to file the declaration under Article 34 (6), which allows direct access to the Continental Court through non-governmental organizations and

Judge Ore stated that so far, 30 of the 55 African Union (AU) Member States have ratified the Protocol and only eight of them posed the declaration. The eight states are Ghana, Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire, Malawi, Mali, Tanzania and Tunisia

Sierra Leone and Liberia have not yet ratified the Protocol Establishing the African Court. The President congratulated Sierra Leone and Liberia, who, according to Judge Ore, have made tremendous democratic progress in recent years.

"I encourage them to ratify the Protocol and to file the declarations," Judge Oré said. The Court was established under Article 1 of the Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights.

She was to complete the protective mandate of the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights, with a view to improving the protection Judge Ore explained that the success of the African Court as a mechanism The protection of human rights requires a wider ratification of the Protocol by the member states, as well as their acceptance of human rights on the continent.

by making the declaration provided for in Article 34, paragraph 6.

"This universal ratification will give the Court the legitimacy it needs to fulfill its mandate effectively," he said. he declares.

In December 2010, the Court conducted continent-wide advocacy programs, which have so far undertaken 25 national sensitizations

Judge Ore stated that the goal The main purpose of outreach visits is to strengthen the protection of human rights in Africa. 19659002] He said that other goals include outreach to the court; encourage the ratification of the Protocol and the deposit of the Declaration allowing individuals and NGOs to have direct access to the Court.

Judge Ore stated that the team would also sensitize potential candidates to access the Court and the proceedings before the Court; encourage the public to use the Court to resolve human rights disputes and encourage the use of the Court for advisory opinions. GNA

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