Albert Einstein's theory of gravity passes an extreme test: study


By: PTI | Washington |

Posted: July 7, 2018 8:54:21 am

  Albert Einstein, Law of Gravity, Einstein's Gravity Theory, Albert Einstein's Theory of Gravity, Theory of Relativity of & dquo; Einstein, scientific news, new Indian Express

Understanding Einstein's gravity, as it is exposed in his general theory of relativity, predicted at the same rate, regardless of their mass or composition.

This theory has passed a test after the other here on Earth, but scientists have wondered whether it is still valid for some f the most massive and dense objects of the known universe, an aspect of nature known as the Strong Equivalence Principle Name.

The new discoveries published in the journal Nature show that Einstein's ideas about gravity still dominate. The most extreme scenario

To date, Einstein's equations have passed all tests, from minute laboratory studies to observations of planets in our solar system.

However, alternatives to Einstein's theory of general relativity predict gravity, like neutron stars, falls a little differently from lower-mass objects.

This difference, according to these alternative theories, would be due to the gravitational bonding energy of a compact object – the gravitational energy that holds it together. 19659006] In 2011, the Green Bank Telescope (GBT) of the National Science Foundation (NSF) discovered a natural laboratory to test this theory in extreme conditions: a tripl The star system called PSR J0337 + 1715, located at about 4,200 light-years from Earth

This system contains a neutron star in a 1.6-day orbit with a white dwarf star, and the pair in a 327-day orbit with another "It s & # 39 "is a unique star system," said Ryan Lynch of the Green Bank Observatory in the United States.

"We do not know anyone else alike. This makes it a unique laboratory to test Einstein's theories. "

Since its discovery, the triple system has been regularly observed by the GBT, the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope in the Netherlands, and the NSF Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico

. Einstein gravitational image were correct, then the neutron star and the inner white dwarf would each fall differently to the outer white dwarf.

is not as massive or compact as the Neutron star, and therefore has less gravitational binding energy, "said Scott Ransom, astronomer at the National Observatory of Radioastronomy in the United States.

Through meticulous observations and careful calculations, to test the gravity of the system using the pulses of the neutron star alone

They found that any difference in acceleration between the neutron star and the internal white dwarf is too fart ite to be detected 9659006] "If there is a difference, it's not more than three parts in a million," said Nina Gusinskaia of the University of Amsterdam to Netherlands.

This imposes severe constraints on any alternative theory of general relativity.

The result is ten times more accurate than the previous best test of gravity, which makes the proof of Einstein's Strong Equivalence Principle much stronger, they said.

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