Alcohol, tobacco 'are deadly traps & # 39; – News


Dar es Salaam. Health experts consider smoking habits and excessive consumption of alcohol among the most dangerous addictions of life

Experts say that these lifestyle habits cause many health problems, including the development of diseases non-transmissible.

The Mwananchi Thought Leadership Forum is held on Thursday in Dar es Salaam.

The forum brought together health stakeholders, including health experts, who urged Tanzanians to make efforts to reduce harmful cigarettes. alcohol consumption in order to avoid being a victim of NCDs.

Experts cited both behaviors as the leading causes of asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, chronic bronchitis, and arterial hypertension, among others. They pointed out that these habits have already killed many people.

In her efforts to mitigate noncommunicable diseases, WHO Representative in Tanzania Adiele Onyeze, who participated in the forum entitled "Our Health, Our Way of Life," stated that He emphasized the need for to continue to accelerate efforts to change habits. "Progress is being made to stop these diseases, but as we all can see, progress is very slow and we need to accelerate the process in Tanzania and around the world."

The representative also congratulated the forum. with ideas that will eventually contribute to the fight against noncommunicable diseases in the country.

At the same event, the president of the Tanzanian Diabetes Association, Professor Andrew Swai, pointed out People need to stop burning their livers due to the destructive use of cigarettes and l & # 39; alcohol.

"We are of the opinion that alcohol should be used moderately, as excessive use increases the risks of diseases such as high blood pressure," he explained.

Dr. Faraja Chiwanga, an endocrinologist at Muhimbili National Hospital (MNH) said that for the battle to be fully installed, it was necessary for various sectors such as agriculture and infrastructure. to be involved in this movement. "If we decide to formulate the law that prohibits smoking cigarettes in public places, it is obvious that agriculture will be affected as far as tobacco growers are concerned and when we talk about the As physical as road, the infrastructure sector also comes into play. That's why we need better strategies to help our populations be threatened by these diseases, "she said.

The expert added that L & # One of the strategies that most Tanzanians failed to learn about the dangers and how they can avoid being the victims of noncommunicable diseases is the establishment of mass awareness [19659002] "We should also direct our efforts towards the diffusion of education. People need to be informed about noncommunicable diseases, and there should also be focus on regular examinations for early detection of diseases to identify ways to combat them, "she said.

Meanwhile, Health Minister Ummy Mwalimu pointed out that people should reduce the consumption of alcohol and cigarettes to help the country to implement the goal of the Ministry to ensure a universal health coverage for all.

"As a ministry, we will work on the recommendations given in the forum Tanzanians must take measures to put an end to the excessive consumption of alcohol and cigarettes, and engage in various exercises, including to monitor their consumption of sugar and salt, "she said in a brief interview, an event that also ensured that her ministry was working on the implementation of its plan to increase the size of precautionary messages on alcohol and cigarette products for users to act in.

"We are working to ensure that boxes are increased to at least 30 percent of the current size so that all users can see and read clearly She noted.

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