Amanda Bynes presents to PAPER Magazine her addiction and why she stopped acting


Amanda Bynes tackled the problem of addiction that led to her break with the public and her dramatic resignation on Twitter.

The 32-year-old actress, who celebrates almost four years of sobriety, said Adderall's abuse had caused a "drug-induced psychosis", which had hated her physical appearance so much that she had retired. bear to look at each other on the screen.

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She revealed to PAPER magazine that a "mixture of being so high that I could not remember my lines and not liking my appearance", made him leave the 2010 film Hall Pass. She added that watching Easy what was convinced him that she should stop acting.

"I was high on marijuana when I saw that[[[[Easy]but for some reason, it really started to affect me, "recalled the star. I do not know if it was a drug-induced psychosis or what, but it affected my brain in a different way than that of other people . It absolutely changed my perception of things. "

She also reflected on how to dress as She is the man had triggered a "deep depression for 4 to 6 months".

Amanda revealed, "I did not like my appearance when I was a kid, I never told anyone." She added that seeing oneself with short hair and favorites was "an extremely strange and extracorporeal experience that really put me in a state of funk".

Continue to remind She is the man From experience, the former Disney star said she insisted that Channing Tatum be turned in front of her because she saw her star potential at the time, even if the producers did not know it.

Amanda Bynes and Channing Tatum

Getty ImagesJon Kopaloff

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"I totally fought for Channing [to get cast in] this film because it was not yet famous, "she said." He had just done an advertisement for Mountain Dew and I was like: "This guy is a star – every girl will like him!" But [the producers] were like, 'He's so much older than you all!' And I thought, "It does not matter! Believe me & # 39; "

After announcing her retirement from the industry on Twitter some time ago, she admitted that her addiction had grown as she was socializing herself [was] many isolated … I really plunged into my drug use and this became a really dark and sad world for me. "

But after almost four years of sobriety, Amanda shared her remorse for her behavior towards other celebrities on Twitter and apologizes to those she has offended over the years.

"And I'm so sorry for all those I've hurt and for whom I've been lying, because it's really gnawing at me," Amanda said. "It makes me feel so horrible and sick of sadness and stomach – everything I've been working on all my life, has ruined everything on Twitter. not Twitter fault – it's my fault. "

She hopes to return to the future, and in the same way. [she] like a kid, which is with enthusiasm and hope for the best. "

"I think that's how I'm going [life] now – like, what is there to lose? Amanda added, "I'm not afraid of the future, I went through the worst and I survived, so I feel like it's only up there."

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