Apple has quietly fixed the MacBook Pro butterfly keyboard problem that has made people crazy – BGR


If you have a MacBook or MacBook Pro with a butterfly keyboard, chances are you've had a boring keyboard problem where some keys do not respond anymore. This is because a small particle of dust can block the keys, and fixing the problem can be a chore.

Apple has a new program to solve the problem, and the company is facing class action lawsuits because of this. But you know what else Apple has? A brand new MacBook Pro model that looks like a fixed keyboard.

Apple unveiled Thursday its models MacBook Pro 2018, already available online and in Apple stores. Only the MacBook Pro with Touch Bar has received an upgrade this year, including the latest Intel chips, up to 32GB of RAM, and up to 4GB of SSD storage. The new MacBook Pro also have TrueTone displays and a new Apple T2 chip to manage payment security.

In the press release was a reference to a new keyboard, "a third-generation enhanced keyboard for a quieter typing". the time that Apple has corrected the main keyboard issue that affected all MacBook Pros since the redesign of 2016, but Apple would not confirm it officially.

A silent keyboard is a net benefit, but if dust can still hinder normal operation, a sucky keyboard. Apple fan John Gruber explained why Apple would not be too eager to admit that he solved this particular type of problem:

Marketing-wise, I do not think that's a problem. they would admit a problem of reliability in the existing butterfly keyboards they are still selling second-generation keyboards in all non-TouchBar models), and legally (since they face multiple lawsuits regarding the reliability of the keyboard), I do not think they should admit it. So, whether they have tried or not to solve the reliability issues, I think they would say exactly the same thing today: only that they have made the keyboards quieter. I do not have internal dope (yet?), But for me, the reason for the optimism is that they call these "third generation" keyboards, not just a quieter version of the keyboards second generation butterfly. [19659007Apartlefaitd'attendredevoircommentlesclaviersdesMacBookPros2018évoluentdanslemonderéelilyaunautremoyendesavoirsiApplearéparéleclavier:ledémontage"official"d'iFixitEtparcequelesnouveauxordinateursportablessontdéjàdisponiblesenmagasiniFixitenadéjàdémontéun

The company discovered that & # 39; Apple has quietly solved the problem of the keyboard, adding a flexible enclosure under the caps covering the second throttle mechanism generation to prevent particle dust from entering and blocking the keys. Apple even has a patent on this type of keyboard protection film that was discovered earlier this year:

This flexible speaker is of course a measure of sealing to cover the mechanism of the daily assault microscopic dust. Not – in our eyes – a measure of silence. In fact, Apple has a patent for this exact technology designed to "prevent and / or mitigate the entry of contaminants."

The following video shows you exactly what this plastic film looks like:

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