Apple launches fourth beta beta for tvOS 12.1.1 developers for testing


By Malcolm Owen
Thursday November 29, 2018, 10:25 am (PT) (1:25 pm ET)

Apple has released a new beta version of its developer testing program, and Apple TV users can now test the fourth beta of tvOS 12.1.1.

Apple TV 4K

The new version of tvOS can be acquired as a wireless OTA update from devices already registered in the test program, or can be launched by visiting the Apple Development Center. Public beta versions of the version usually follow a few days after the developer release and can be retrieved from the Apple Beta software website.

The latest beta version of tvOS 12.1.1 developer is identified as 16K5045a. It replaces the third beta developer, 16K5044a. It is likely that tvOS is only seeing bug fixes and improvements in version 12.1.1, with beta versions again suggesting that it is a version for performance and compatibility.

The release of tvOS alone is unusual, as new beta versions for iOS 12.1.1 and a third beta version for watchOS 5.1.2 have yet to be released and are generally released with tvOS. Apple released Wednesday the fourth beta for developers of macOS 10.14.1 Mojave.

Download list of beta versions and developer versions of Apple

Download list of beta versions and developer versions of Apple

AppleInsider, and Apple itself, strongly discourage the installation of beta on hardware or "critical" primary devices. Due to the risk of data loss and other potential problems, it is recommended to use secondary or non-essential hardware for beta testing and to perform regular backups of important data.

Do you find changes in the new versions? Contact us on Twitter at @AppleInsider or @Andrew_OSUor send an e-mail to Andrew at the following address: [email protected].

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