Apple releases fourth beta for developers for macOS 10.14.2


By Roger Fingas
Wednesday, November 28, 2018, at 4:50 pm Eastern Time (7:50 pm ET)

Apple released Wednesday a fourth beta for developers of macOS 10.14.2, an upcoming update for owners of macOS Mojave.

macOS Mojave

The software, built 18C52a, is available on the Apple Developer Portal or through the native macOS Software Update Tool. In both cases, people must be registered Apple developers and use the appropriate profile.

It is unclear whether any changes have been made. Earlier beta versions did not include any significant feature changes, suggesting that Apple is focusing on bug fixes and security enhancements. The third beta was launched just two weeks ago.

AppleInsider and Apple itself is strongly warning users of the beta against the installation of software on "essential" hardware, due to the risk of data loss, among other possible problems. Even on secondary hardware, it is recommended that testers perform regular backups of all important data.

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