Appoint the commissioners of rights, advised Magufuli


By Cledo Michael TheCitzienTz [email protected]

Dar es Salaam. The Coalition of Human Rights Defenders of Tanzania (THRDC) sent a message to President John Magufuli in what they describe as the fragile state of the Commission for Human Rights and Good Governance (CHRGG ) in the performance of his duties.

THRDC's decision comes after the late appointment of CHRGG leaders by the head of state.

THRDC's national coordinator, Onesmo Olengurumwa, said yesterday that his coalition was disappointed that the CHRGG lacked legitimacy due to the lack of appointed leaders since January this year.

Olengurumwa said the absence of the president, vice-president and Commission commissioners after the expiry of the term of office of the previous leaders since last January invalidated the mandate of the commission.

"According to the law, the Commission would be active or would exist legally when the president and the commissioners preside over the office," he said. The Commission was chaired by Mr. Bahame Nyanduga, whose term expired in January of this year. "THRDC believes that many human rights issues are not addressed accordingly due to the absence of the Commission," he said.

He added that the Commission in turn had not advised the opinion of the executive and other pillars on the issues of good governance and human rights that currently affect the country.

"We ask the president to appoint commissioners to ensure the legal existence of the commission," he said.

According to the law, the CHRGG performs its functions for three consecutive years after being appointed by the President of the United Republic of Tanzania and can be re-elected according to its performance.

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