At the port of Dar, a dog problem


Human Rights

A dog problem is a dogging operation at the port of Dar es Salaam and the government of John Magufuli is not amused.

Hobby, as the sniffer dog is known, has been missing since Wednesday morning and his whereabouts are unknown.

On the dock, Inspector General of Police Simon Sirro and his officers now have new orders to walk: trace where Hobby is or suffer the consequences. Newly appointed Home Affairs Minister Kangi Lugola on Thursday issued orders to inspect police operations at the port.

Of the six police dogs in the harbor, two are in training, according to Mr. Lugola, but we do not know where Hobby is.

"What I've heard about these dogs is quite unpleasant.I am told that some are rented for other uses.I am really saddened by these reports because these dogs are police officers. ", he said.

"When I'm done with this visit today, I want the PGI to call me before 6 pm The dog should be in port at that time, and I want to know where the dog was and what he was doing, "he says.

Hobby's many skills, according to the head of home affairs, include the sniffing of weapons, ivory and illegal drugs.

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